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~Two months later~

Tyler walked out of his first appointment with dried tears and irritated eyes. Keeping his eyes focused on the floor, he followed the psychiatrist out to the waiting room. Tyler took a seat by Mr. Joseph and waited for what seemed like forever. Soon they were standing up and walking out the door.

Mr. Joseph gave Tyler a side hug, "Doctor Johnson said you did great"

"Uh-huh" Tyler wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"You really did"

"At what, crying? 'Cause all that happened was he asked me questions and I started crying from them"

"Tyler it's okay to cry. They just want to help you"

Why would they want to help you?

They can't help you. We're here forever!

"Yeah right"

"Seriously Tyler? You think they wouldn't want to help you?"

They don't

Don't trust what the doctor says. It's all lies

"I mean that's what they tell me"

"They're just going to judge you even more"

"They?" Chris asked.

Kelly elbowed him.


"The doctor said he has schizophrenia. So don't make anything hard on him"

Chris put his hands up. "I wasn't"

"They're talking about you"

"I know" Tyler looked at Blurryface. He was in front of him, walking backwards.

"Why do you do this now?"


"Talk out loud?! It just makes you look even more psycho. Oh wait-"

"'Cause they already know about you"

"They don't know a thing about me"

"Yeah but they know of you"

"Tyler what's going on?" Kelly asked carefully.

"Blurry's giving me shit about being a psychopath" He mumbled while staring down.

"Which one is he again?"

"The um... the scariest" He kicked a pebble on the ground and watched it roll away.

"Why is he the scariest?"

"The way he talks and stuff. Can we stop talking about him? He's staring at me"

"You can see him?" Kelly asked creeped out. She already knew he could it just hurts to know the truth.

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