Day One

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"Well." Blaise scooted his chair back. "We should probably be on our way."

"Where are you going?"

"We have plans to open a new hotel. We're off to see the property." Pansy hugged Hermione before going over to hug Draco. Blaise took her place and wrapped strong arms around Hermione. "We were on our way there when we received a message informing us that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were staying here."

"Pansy wouldn't let us go without stopping by." Blaise teased. He leaned back down to whisper in her ear. "Our Floo is in the basement beside the wash if you ever need it."

She smiled. "Thank you."

After the Zabinis left, everyone finished up their dinner, well, everyone but Hermione since she barely touched her food. "What did Blaise whisper to you?" Draco leaned over so that only those close could hear.

She looked over and saw her aunt Jackie and cousin Carol leaning close to try and overhear the conversation.  "Just to inform us that there is another exit by the wash." She winked to her wizarding family.

"Is there something wrong with your eye, dear?" Arthur asked, concerned.

Molly slapped him on the arm. "There's nothing wrong with her eye." Arthur blinked in confusion. "Ugh! I'll tell you later." Her voice had risen until everyone could hear, drawing out several chuckles.

"What's next on the itinerary?" Her grandfather asked, drawing the attention away from Hermione's side of the table.

"The sauna until seven." Hermione automatically answered, already having the itinerary memorized.

"After that is indoor croquet." Rose supplied.

Carol stretched her arms before standing. "I'm not much for croquet. Anyone want to join me in checking out the hotel's store after the sauna?"

"What's croquet?" Draco asked her. Molly, Arthur, Anglina, and Narcissa looked at her in confusion, some more than others.

She sighed. "It's a game."

George grinned. "I'm good at those."

"Scorpius and I will decline. Mum, can we go to the town for a date?" Scorpius blushed a deep crimson at Rose's abrupt question.

"Of course." Draco answered for her. He turned to George. "I'm not so bad with games myself."

"Wanna make a bet."

"You may not want to make a bet with him." She warned Draco, who completely did not listen to her advice. She turned to her cousin. "I would love to join you."

.   .   .

Hermione found herself in the surprisingly large store of the hotel. It was almost like a mini mart. Carol had dragged her over to the baby section. Hermione had found out that Carol was pregnant with her first child and was five months into the pregnancy. "I think it's a little too soon to be looking at baby items, you don't even know the gender yet."

"Oh, but everything is so adorable. Look." She thrusted a fluffy white stuffed elephant that had yellow ears and feet. It was cute.

Hermione walked a little ways down the aisle. She stopped. A pregnancy kit hung on the wrack. She was probably over thinking but she had been feeling ill for a few days, though Draco only thought it was today with traveling by floo that had her unwell. She picked the kit up. Wasn't she a little too old to become pregnant? She sighed in defeat. No, she wasn't, not technically. She purchased the kit and returned back to her cousin's side. "I'm not feeling well, is it alright if I part? I would like to get some rest before everyone is done with their evening."

"Sure, sure." Carol waved her off without paying much attention to her, her focus solely on the selection of stuffed animals.

.   .   .

George was still trying to figure out the rules to this croquet, when he received a letter from one of the staff members. The worker informed him that it was from his sister and that it was a howler.

He grabbed Angelina, who was having an adamant conversation with Narcissa. They walked up to their room in silence. "I hope Fred didn't get into anything." Angelina tskd.

George grinned at his beautiful, somewhat oblivious wife. "He's my son, of course he did." He tore open the letter, and almost wished that he hadn't. Ginny's shrieking voice came out from it.

"Come and get your son! Him and James are grounded or worse if I ever find them! Those trouble makers magicked my makeup! I'm purple! Do you hear me George, I'm purple! Stop laughing!" George's  contained giggles burst into a flood of them. Angelina smacked him in the arm even though she was smiling too. "You'd better come and get Fred now!" The letter ate itself into fine little shreds with Ginny's last screech.

Angelina sighed. "I'll go inform the others that we have to leave. Please try to have everything packed and the laughter out of your system. If Ginny sees that you've been laughing, she's liable to jinx you."

George wiped away a tear. "I know."

"We should also, probably get James too."

"You mean rescue." He corrected his wife. The two boys had been getting into a lot of trouble ever since they were allowed to use magic outside of school.

.   .   .

Draco fished around in his pockets for the room key but couldn't find it. He mentally slapped himself in the forehead. How could he have forgotten? Hermione had held on the key for fear that he would have lost it.

He slid his wand out from its hidden pocket. "Alohomora." The lock clicked and he pushed the door open. He was met with the smell of something burning.


Hermione poked her bushy head out from behind the bathroom door. She looked down at her watch. "You're back early."

"George and Angelina had to leave. Something about Ginny turning purple." He wasn't really all that sure what Angelina had mumbled but since it involved Fred and James, he could make a pretty good assumption.

He turned his attention back to his frazzled wife. "What's that smell?"

Her face paled and her eyes widened. "Nothing! I'll tell you later!" She squeaked before slamming the bathroom door shut.

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