The Scavenger Hunt Part 2

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Ginny watched as her friend stormed off. Draco glanced at them before following after Hermione. She really hoped that she hadn't just blown the plan.

"Ginny, what is going on. The truth this time please." She looked up into the green eyes of her husband.

Anthony must have sensed the attention because he excused himself.

Ginny sighed, knowing that she finally had to tell her husband. "I was trying to help Hermione and Draco."

"Why?" Harry interrupted her. Ginny put her hands on her hips and glared at her husband. He would know why if he didn't interrupt her. Harry took the hint. "Sorry, continue."

She decided to be blunt instead of beating around the bush, she just prayed that Harry wouldn't explode. "Hermione fancies Draco and he fancies her. They're both widowers and we all thought that if we intervened then we might help the two come to terms with their feelings and give each other a chance."

"What! Hermione with Malfoy!" People started to look at them with concern and growing interest. Harry quieted his voice. "Ron, your brother, would turn over in his grave and blow a gasket. And what do you mean by we?"

Ginny loved Harry, but she really wanted to give him a good thrashing. "Me, George, Narcissa Malfoy, Scorpius, and Rose. It was actually Rose's idea."

Harry deflated at hearing their niece's name. "Why would she want to do this?"

Ginny shook her head. "She, like the rest of us sensed Hermione and Draco's feelings and decided that the two of them deserved the chance to be happy. The only problem so far is that Hermione is pushing Draco away because she blames herself for Ron's death and is afraid of causing him pain."

Harry looked away from her with tears brimming in his eyes. He turned back to her before doing a double take at something that Ginny couldn't see. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. He regained his composure before she could see what had him so shocked. "If your plan was to get those two together then it just might have worked."

Ginny turned to see what her husband had meant. Looking in the direction of where Hermione and Draco had stormed off to moments before, Ginny found a scene that made her squeal in delight. Draco had Hermione wrapped in his arms and was snogging her face like there was no tomorrow and Hermione was acting the same. Ginny wondered briefly as to why Hermione was tipped down instead of standing at full height.

.   .   .

How could Ginny do this to her? To her! They were supposed to be best friends, sisters even.

A hand wrapped around her wrist. "Go away Ginny." She bit the words out.

A low chuckle rumbled behind her. "Too bad I'm not the Potter." Why did he have to follow after her!

"Go away, Malfoy."

The hand dropped away from her wrist. "So, it's Malfoy again." The pain in his words brought Hermione to a halt.

"Why did you follow after me?" She whispered without turning around.

Draco chuckled and she could imagine him running his hand through his hair. "It's quite obvious why Ginny did this." Hermione turned around to look at him, stunned that he had called Ginny by her name. He brought his eyes to meet hers and laughed. "Apparently, not that obvious." He continued when she remained quiet. "She's playing matchmaker."

Ginny was doing what! Hermione was going to have to have a long chat with her friend. "I'll tell her to stop." She said tersely.

"Why?" Did he really just ask her why? He should be the one to know why, Hermione had told him the reason why they would never be together. Then she remembered his words from that day, he had told her that she was worth the wait.

She put a hand to her forehead. "I can't do this. I try to keep you close but being friends isn't enough for you and I try to push you away but you have to be a stubborn git. I can't do this anymore."

"Wha...what do you mean by that?" His voice cracked and she could hear the fear in it.

"We should stay away from each other. Stop trying to be friends."

"Is that what you really want?"

Was that what she wanted? Hermione shook her head. "I don't but I'll hurt you more if we get together. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you." She turned to leave before he could protest but her feet jammed into each other. She started falling toward the ground.

Draco caught her by the hips, stopping her in mid-fall. "You're supposed to fall toward me, not away."

Hermione couldn't help the smile that appeared. "It looks like I can't even do that right." The smile fell away and she became serious once again. "You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"

"No." He looked down at her and smirked. "Now that I have you where you can't run away I can finally talk. I don't care if I get hurt because you pushing me away is more pain than anything that may or may not happen to me if we're together." His words caused her heart to wrench in pain. She had no clue that she was hurting him when she pushed him away. Before she could say anything, Draco leaned down and captured her lips with his. The kiss wasn't soft and sweet like the one from before, it was deeper, hungrier. It was one that had Hermione craving for more. Her arms slithered up around his neck and she kissed him back just as hungrily.

Hermione had enough awareness to vaguely hear a high pitch squeal, then Draco's tongue slipped into her mouth and clashed with hers. She didn't want this to end. She would have to thank Ginny for showing her what she had been running away from.

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