The Zabinis

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Hermione sat down at the long table after exchanging greetings and hugs with the rest of her family. The smell of the food made her slightly nauseous.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Draco whispered in her ear.

"Yeah. I think I'm just feeling unwell from traveling. It's been a while since I used the floo." Draco leaned back in his seat, satisfied with her response.

"Hermione, dear, you need to spend more time with us. It's unfair that we hardly ever get to see you. We didn't even know that you were remarried." Aunt Jackie told her.

Before she could answer, her grandmother shot aunt Jackie a look. "Hermione leads a busy life. We should be grateful that we were able to see her this year."

Hermione let out a little chuckle. "I actually have more free time since I retired. I could always come by to visit every once in a while."

Her grandparents smiled while aunt Jackie looked shock. "You retired at your age? You have a husband and two children now, isn't it hard with only one person working?" She turned to Draco. "You do work, don't you?"

Before he could answer, Narcissa laid her napkin down on her lap. "He does work. Hermione, actually, used to be his boss. Though, Draco, nor anyone of our family actually needs to work."

"Yeah, and we're not children. We may be younger but we have experienced and learn a great deal more than the average adult." Rose huffed which caused most of the table to chuckle.

Draco beamed a smile at Rose. "You're are just like your mother." He leaned over the table. "Can someone pass me the mash potatoes?" Hermione sighed in relief with the fact that he had asked instead of using magic. The potatoes were sitting in front of her uncle Thomas which he passed down to Draco with a smile. As soon as Draco's hand touched the bowl, the mash potatoes exploded out, causing half of the people there to shriek, including Rose, Scorpius, and her aunt Jackie.

Hermione shot a glare at a chuckling George as she wiped the potatoes off her face. He raised his hands up in surrender. "I didn't do it."

Draco stood up and flung the potatoes off of his suit jacket. "If you didn't do it, then who did?" He practically growled.

Familiar laughter sounded from behind them, causing Hermione and Draco to turn. A handsome man wearing an expensive black suit with snake cufflinks wiped away the tears in his eyes. The beautiful brunette was hunched over with her hands around her chest. "That was brilliant, Blaise!"

"I know. Too bad we didn't have a camera. That face Draco made, priceless!"

"Ooh, what about little Scorpius screeching!" Pansy was slowly coming up into a standing position.

"Blaise! Pansy!" Draco's confused voice turned furious. "That was you!"

"Oh, Draco, dear, quit causing a scene." Narcissa had remained still and politely ramrod straight throughout the ordeal.

Hermione looked over at her muggle family in concern. They all wore smiles and looked as if exploding mash potatoes were normal. Her grandmother caught her eye. "Why don't your friends join us. They certainly make it more lively."

Blaise shot her a dazzling smile. "Thank you mam, I think we will."

Aunt Jackie spoke up once Blaise and Pansy were sitting beside Draco. "How do you know each other?"

"School." Hermione smiled, glad to have a distraction from the nauseating food, too bad she was still wearing some of it.

"Well thanks," drawled Blaise sarcastically while Pansy scowled. He turned back to address the rest of her family. "Hermione actually ordained us at our wedding a few years back and Draco is one of my best mates."

"If I'm your mate, then how come I didn't know you were married?"

Pansy answered this time. "You were going through a ruff time and we knew you needed the space." Her smile turned wicked. "How is it that we had to hear about your marriage to Granger through the news instead of from you?"

Hermione laughed at Draco's sheepish expression. "I must have forgotten."

"Yes, well, my question is." Blaise turned to Hermione. "Why'd you marry this git?"

Hermione blushed, remembering the time that Draco was trying to woo her. "He surprisingly has his charms."

Draco's mouth flopped open, flabbergasted. "She almost didn't. We had to intervene." Rose huffed.

George nodded. "It was bloody brilliant. Rose, Ginny, and Narcissa were relentless in their planning."

Blaise and Pansy burst out laughing. "The Potters helped?"

George's smile turned wicked. "Harry didn't know about it."

"Bloody awesome. I would have liked to have seen his face when he found out!"

Uncle Thomas cleared his throat. "We have yet to be introduced."

"Oh, how could I have forgotten." Hermione waved a hand toward Blaise and Pansy. "This is Blaise and Pansy Zabini, the owners of the hotel."

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