The Grangers' Surprise

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"Is everyone ready?" Hermione stood in the grand living room of her and Draco's home. The floo stood behind her.

Rose and Scorpius nodded their heads. Scorpius reached for Rose's hand, nervousness plastered all over his face. Hermione couldn't blame him, it would be the first time the boy would be around a bunch of muggles who were not aware of magic.

Draco lifted the suitcase he carried. "Ready." A smile lifted his lips. She knew he was excited to meet the rest of her family but she was pretty sure most his excitement was leaning more toward getting to know more about muggles. Unbeknownst to him, Draco was slowly becoming more and more like Arthur.

Hermione let Rose go first to be an example for the other two. Draco and Scorpius were more experienced at using the floo system than Rose and Hermione but both boys could easily mispronunciate and she didn't trust Draco to get the kids directly to her parents. He was more apt to take detours. Once both kids were through, Draco stepped up and grabbed the floo powder. "The Grangers." He smiled and winked before he disappeared. Hermione stepped up and followed after him.

She stepped through the floo to her parents' living room. Her stomach dropped and she could feel her breakfast coming up.

Draco put an arm around her, concern etched in his grey eyes. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, brushing off her nausea. "Just a little dizzy. It's been a while since I last traveled by floo." She looked around the surprisingly empty living room. It was just the four of them. "Where are my parents?"

Before anyone could answer, her mum waltzed through the kitchen door. "Hermione, dear, you're early." Her tone was patronizing although she wore a bright smile. Hermione caught her mum's eyes flick nervously to where she had just come from.

"Only by half an hour. Is everything alright?" At her question, Draco drew stiff and pulled his wand out. He ushered for the kids to get behind him.

Her mum's eyes went wide. "Nothing's the matter. There's no need for that." A small explosion came from the kitchen. Hermione had her wand out and together, she and Draco made their way to the kitchen before her mum could stop them. They opened the kitchen door to a billow of smoke.

"I can fix it!" The smoke cleared to reveal Molly, Arthur, George, Angelina, Narcissa, and her father who looked rather concerned with the disarray of the toaster.

"What are you doing here!" She seethed. Draco put his wand back into his pocket and laughed at the situation they found themselves in. "This is not funny!" Hermione slapped him in the chest.

Arthur paused with his wand pointed at the destroyed toaster. Hermione raised an eyebrow at the group. When Molly and Narcissa walked toward the front of the group, Arthur fixed the toaster with a quick spell. "I had hoped that with Draco, you would arrive on time, not early." Narcissa chided.

Molly gave Narcissa an exasperated look and smacked her on the arm. "We just wanted to see your muggle family."

George walked up then with his mouth stuffed with bread. "Surprise!" He smiled wide with jazz hands while he swallowed his food.

Draco grimaced at the unpleasant sight and unruly manners displayed before him. "Chew your food!" Hermione snapped with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Don't be upset with us. We just wanted to show you our support. But if you were to be mad, then be aim it at Molly, George, and Mrs. Mal...Narcissa. it was their idea." Narcissa shot Arthur a death glare while Molly slapped him, hard. George just stood there bobbing his head up and down.

"Can they come? It would be nice to have grandma and grandma Molly there." Scorpius looked sheepish as he directed the question at Hermione.

"Yes, I agree." Rose looked at her with large puppy dog eyes.

Hermione looked at all the pleading eyes that were focused on her and sighed. "Fine." She pointed a hard finger at Arthur. "No asking them about muggle ways or contraptions." She then turned the finger onto a snickering George. "No pranks." Which caused George to groan loudly. He started to complain but stopped when Angelina placed a warning hand on his shoulder.

They all nodded. She had a feeling this was going to be a long and strange family reunion.

"What is the function of a tv?" Very long indeed.

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