A Second Chance

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One year later:

"Oh, Hermione dear, you look beautiful." Mrs. Weasley sniffled as she fixed Hermione's hair.

She smiled into the mirror. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

Mrs. Weasley tsked. "I told you to either call me mum or Molly."

"She can't be calling you mum. That's my title now." Narcissa came into Hermione's tent. "Everything is perfect, just waiting for the bride."

"Of course everything is perfect. I made sure of it. And what do you mean that it's your job now?" Molly huffed with her hands on her hips.

Hermione's mother walked in then, laughing at the two women. "What are you two? Children vying for my daughter's attention?" She walked over and gave Hermione a small hug. "My beautiful girl."

Rose came in holding a bouquet of yellow roses. "Mum, it's almost time."

"Oh, we better go take our seats." Molly grabbed Narcissa by the arm and the two women hurried out of the tent. Well, Molly mostly pulled Narcissa with her.

Hermione's mother laughed. "At least I won't have to worry about you as much with those two around to care for you."

Hermione wrinkled her nose. "Honestly, they're quite smothering."

"How do you think I feel?" Rose huffed. Ever since summer break started, Narcissa had been picking up Rose for little tea dates and shopping trips. Hermione was included in these outings as well. Narcissa kept telling them how nice it was to finally have women in the family again.

Hermione's mother gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I better grab a seat too."

Soon, it was just Rose and Hermione left alone. "I can't believe I'm doing this again." Hermione muttered.

"At least now you can't screw it up after already going through it once already."

Hermione shook her head at her daughter's brazen words. "You've been hanging out with Narcissa too much." Rose grinned and Hermione found herself grinning along with her daughter.

The sound of music flowed through the little tent. "That's my cue." Rose twirled around and walked out of the tent. Hermione followed after her. She took in a deep breath trying to calm her racing heart. She looked up and her gaze landed on Draco. When he saw her, his mouth literally fell open. She heard Rose snicker and tried her best not to do the same. Within seconds, she was standing in front of her unlikely groom.

Harry stood beside them. Being the head of the ministry allowed him the right to wed and he had volunteered to wed Hermione to Draco. She was just glad that her friend was finally excepting Draco. "Do you, Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley take Draco Malfoy as your husband."

"Hey! My name is supposed to be first, Potter."

Hermione laughed and took Draco's hand into hers. "I do."

"Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Hermione to be your wife?"

"I do, and what kind of sermon is this?"

Harry pushed his glasses up and sighed. "Quit complaining already and kiss her." Their friends and family chuckled behind them.

"Don't tell me what to do, Harry." Draco smiled at Hermione before taking her in his arms and finally kissed her. Everyone erupted into applause, even Harry. Hermione smiled into the kiss, happy to have been given a second chance at life and love, even if it was with an unlikely person like Draco Malfoy.

Draco pulled away, a warm smile gracing his lips and his eyes were full of love. "I love you, Hermione."

Hermione found herself bubbling with laughter. "I love you too, husband," she said in a teasing tone while throwing a wink at him. This caused a loud exclamation from the audience, the loudest voice belonging to Ginny and George.

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