The worse interaction part 2

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    "What is that supposed to mean" I ask knowing the two options it could be but not sure which one takes center stage. He could be referring to the way i let myself think when i'm around him even though i am in a whole relationship and shouldn't look at anyone but him like i do. He could even be referring to the way Rome has been acting lately but that is a long shot considering he only saw one thing out of so many weird interactions we have had lately. Either way it was a shot thrown in my direction and i was not going to let it slide.

   "Exactly what you're thinking right now." He shrugs his shoulders at me as if it was written in plain sight and nobody could deny it was the truth.Sadly since i had two things on my mind i still was left unsure as to which one it is or even if it is one of those two at all. I'm pretty sure he knew that and was satisfied with knowing i was still left in the dark.

      "Don't over think it you'll get a headache" He says Chuckling as he walks past me going through my door and around the corner leaving me in alone in my thoughts .I realize i should be following him so i grab my things and head out towards him. He waited at the front door for me when i finally reached him we left closing the door behind us making our short journey towards his car . Once in his car I watch him as he starts the car with no seat belt on causing me to feel unsettled.I try to give it a second but then he puts the car into drive still with no seat belt and i can feel my hands starting to shake. I couldn't take it any longer he was now driving drown the street seat belt free .

       "God Terrell can you please put Your seat belt on it's not safe " He glaces over at me shortly from the side of his eye and nods his head.Starting to smile and grabbing the seat belt putting it on .

      "Only cause you were concerned about me " I roll my eyes at his cocky comment not saying anything back because at this point he had a seat belt on which made me feel much better. Plus knowing him if i do say something he would take the damn thing back off . About 20 minutes of small talk had passed and we made it to this big house full of people in and outside .This  Looked straight out of a movie from the people making out ,to the people passed out drunk already on the front lawn . Lets just say this was very much out of my comfort zone. I've never gone to an actual house party before nor a party in general honestly .I've been invited but Kayla always seems to be busy when parties come around and Rome says he doesn't do parties. Which kind of leaves me shit outta luck and at home for the night wondering what could have been.

     "You just gonna stand there or are you going to come inside either way I'm still going in " Terrell  walks past me and heads for the door . I follow closely behind him into the maze of half way drunk kids. The further in our bodies got i could feel my nerves coming full force. I'm not used to this many people being in my space it almost felt as though my personal space wasn't so personal anymore.

      "Relax you're safe with me " I look to Terrell in shock at the words that he spoke down at me. I wasn't sure if it was written all over my face or he could read my mind but that was exactly what my body needed to hear to allow me to release the deep breathe i had been holding in since we walked in through the door.I nod and nervously smile back at him as we settle into a spot where we had little room to fully move. The music was actually really good and i found myself dancing to myself in my own little safe bubble.As time went on me and Terrell managed to work our way over to a couch that had two open seats that we were happy to take for ourselves. Sinking into a deep conversation that we shouldn't be able to hear so clearly considering how loud the room was.Some how it started to feel like the room had disappeared around us and we were in our own world far away from all the noise caused by lost young adults trying to drink and dance the pain of life away. Soon i had forgot we were even at a party until His next words took me back to reality.

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