Cant deny a fact

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Waking up the next morning i feel my body sting and burn with every move I decided to make.Eventually i got up and could make my way into the kitchen were my sister Was sitting. 

       "Wow your home for once what happened your boyfriend break up with you ." I say sarcastically at her . Josie looks up at with tears in her eyes and trying to hold back from breaking down in front of me. She nods and wipes her face and looks up at me .Her eyes grew wide as she looked at my face and body.

       "Omg Selena what happened are you ok ." She got up and walked me to the bathroom to clean me up. Honestly i had no idea what i looked like considering the fact I barely made it to the kitchen . When i got to the mirror i barley knew it was me .My once perfect completion was now dark shades of blue and Purple and my once smooth Carmel skin was now bumpy and rough. My mouth was covered in dry blood which is gross.Don't get me started about my hair i didn't know the way it was tangled was even possible.

     "Selena.......Who did this?" I look away from her as she wipe the blood off my face wincing at being touched. Hearing a sigh and once again hearing. "Selena who did it?"Again not answering her i start to tear up.I didn't keep it from her  cause i didn't want her to know i kept it from her cause i didn't want it to be true.I didn't want to admit that jayden hurt me that i didn't wanna have to say it out loud . A part of me felt like it was a nightmare that id wake up from ,the other part of me knew this was my horrific reality and there was no escaping.

     "Selena ...... Please who hurt you........" a long moment of silence came through the bathroom but only for a few seconds long enough for me to  regret coming out my room.  "Im ok I promise." I finally look at her and smile as big as i can trying to show her i was fine but we both knew I wasn't. She sighed and picked me up no questions asked and started carrying me out the bathroom. I didn't say a word just let her take me where she pleased . She went to the front door and then to the car she sat me in the car seat.She closed the house locking it then came back to the car getting in the drivers side.She looked at me then started the car .I stare out the window already knowing where i was going.

"Seriously Selena who the hell did this cause you have to many damn injuries to have done that shit yourself!" She doesn't even wait till i got into the room all the way before she lets loose on me.She took me to the doctor...stupid fucking doctors.Talking bout i have 3 fractured ribs ,shattered wrist.Not only that but i broken ankle my fucking ankle like really I'm fine atleast i break a nail i tell myself sarcastically .

"Im promise ok I'm fine nobody did i fell down the stairs." I limp over to the couch and sit down sighing from relief.
"Dont give me that...." Just before she could finish her sentence i was saved by the door bell. She growled then turned around and opened the door.In the doorway stood jayden with a hand rubbing his chin . I sat frozen terrified to move in his presence. I watched his eyes scan the room then land directly on me . Josie stood watching us then she gave me this look like she knew but couldn't believe it either.

"Selena can we talk please "He finally opened his mouth saying the words i hoped wouldn't come out. I nodded not wanting to anger him fearing what he would do if I denied the offer of conversation. Josie looked at us and then rolled her eyes and walked towards the front door ."I gotta go run some errands im going to call later ." She looked directly at jayden as if telling him that if he did something this time she would know.She closed the door leaving it unlocked behind her leaving us alone.

"Selena so sorry I honestly don't know what came over me you know.........well i hope you know i would never do anything to hurt you its just i don't want to loose you and when i saw you to together...i snapped all these images of you leaving me overwhelmed me and i lost it but you know i love you and id never do anything like that again i hope you can .." He starts stroking my face then brushes his thumb against my bottom lip . He started leaning forward and kissed me.Pulling away he whispered in my ear. "I know you forgive me."I look up at him and he smirked at me and leaned back on the couch kicking his feet up on the table .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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