Encountering Monday

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       I woke up to the sound of my alarm filling the room with a familiar ring that lets me know that my least favorite day was about to start. Now i'm a morning person to a certain degree but ever since i started college i have hated Mondays with all my heart. I got stuck with all my most boring classes on this one very day which would suck if i didn't have such a good schedule the rest of the week. To much of my discomfort I get up and open up my window to let the bright light the sun was giving off into my room. As I sit back on my bed rubbing my eyes still adjusting to the new scenery that took over my once dark room.Finally starting to accept the fact i need to get my day started i text Kayla to make sure she up for her classes as well.

Kay you up girl?~Nova

Aghh sadly I was hoping god would give me the day off and wake me up tomorrow instead but no~Kayla

Yea i felt that on a spiritual level ~Nova

Anyway I'mma get dressed so I can leave early enough to get a coffee ~Kayla

I just might do the same i'll text you after my first class~Nova

      I stand in front of my closet looking for a t-shirt that would let the world know i was not trying on this fine day.Settling on a grey and black old wrestling shirt i then turn to my dresser pulling out one of the thousands of pair of black sweat pants i own. After sluggishly getting dressed i walk into my bathroom to wash my face hoping it will make me look less dead inside or at least make my face smell like a rose.Finishing up my half ass Monday routine i leave the bathroom semi alive and with my hygiene up to society standards .When I hear a whimper come from outside my door I get up and opened the door and Lea jumps on my bed and snuggles into the covers i was once in. I sat next to the small mini Australian Sheppard in my bed and looked at the clock accepting that it was basically time to leave if i wanted to get coffee and be on time to for my am classes .I got up and went down to the kitchen where Jaclyn sat at the large table eating cereal alone .

     "Hey You gonna be home around the time my are classes done or are you going to be at James place tonight?" I ask her walking towards the garage door noticing she was finishing up the bowl. Standing up and gathering her things.

       "I don't know probably at his place he wants me to make dinner tonight so i'm most likely going to go to the store after work and then head over there "She answered me back placing her bowl in the sink .She is always gone over there and our mom pretty much left us the house cause she is always on business trips so i'm pretty used to be home alone which i can say i do enjoy. I nod at her understanding the dynamic we have established. Grabbing my car keys and walking into the garage to my car.I got in and turned the radio on to wake me up more as i headed to get that much needed caffeinated beverage .After driving to the building where my first class was located getting out of the car I went inside to make sure i got a seat in the back of the room. When all of a sudden Terrell takes the seat next to me.

"Just who i was looking for" He said setting his elbows on the table in front of us leaning on his hand looking at me.

   "Terrell do you even go here cause if not this is real lifetime movie-ish ." I looked over at the man that seems to not have a single flaw even this early on a Monday morning .Honestly not a single bag under his eyes even his skin seemed to glow despite the terrible lighting the room gave off. "Nah ma i ain't on any creep shit i transferred here for my last year i just so happened to see my future wife walking into this room" He said smirking shining his perfect white teeth that all ten dentist would recommend.

"That's still considered following me but i'm beautiful so i can't say i blame you although i might have to invest in a taser of some kind if this becomes your thing "I say jokingly as i try avoiding looking at his face that has a unnatural ability of pulling me into a trance. We continue talking for a good 10 minutes before i zone out thinking how late Rome was to pick up the coffee i picked up for him when i got mine.Which normally he is never late for anything but lately he is late to everything and i do mean everything. It's starting to feel like his mind is somewhere off in the far corner of space that i'll never be able to reach. Starting to feel myself overthinking i pick up my phone and make a failed attempted to get a hold of the person i used to be joined at the hip with. Sighing to myself i look over not realizing my call had cut Terrell off in the middle of a story i didn't even know he was telling me due to my wondering mind.

          "What's wrong princess" He laughed trying to brighten the mood he could tell had turned sour from my end. Realizing i'm being rude to him and this wasn't his problem i sit up and look his way. Some how i found myself starting to gravitate closer to him with every word we exchanged in the next conversation that came around. He starts leaning closer to me and looking straight into my eyes with his pools of honey that i would happily drown in. Soon as he got so close to were he was slowly breathing on me at the corner of my eye I see Rome walking into the room past the kids who's class this actually was.

       "Aye my bad babe sorry I'm late" He leans down and kisses me on my forehead grabbing the now cold coffee that was hot when i bought. I completely forgot Terrell was there due to my focus being shifted on how it looked like rome had hand wrinkled his shirt himself,until he literally kicked me under the table full on shoe on leg action. Instantly drawing back to from the deep part of my mind.When I looked up Rome and him were having a stare down so I get up and introduce them to each other properly.

       "Yea nice to meet you bro"Just as he said that Rome grabs my waist pulling me close and kisses me as if that was his way of letting Terrell know where his place was. I look over to Terrell who had a obvious look of annoyance written all over his face. I smile sheepishly at my new found friend who clearly didn't like my late boyfriend's presence.Which i think we all noticed But seeing how late he was Rome had to take off cause he was definitely going to be late for his Am.He kissed me one last time before taking off out the door. 

         "What Terrell" I ask as he stands up and eyes me up and down."There's a party tonight I want you to come with me have some fun you seem tense" Honestly I did need some fun in my life considering i was stuck in a routine as it was . I guess i don't see any reason as to why this would be a terrible idea .Whats the worst the could happen.

"Pick me up and 8"

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