The first interaction

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(Currently rewriting and changing the characters names)

. "Nova !" Yay I can't wait to see the stupid reason i have to get out of this comfortable bed now.I walk down the steps and around the corner to see my older sister Jaclyn standing next to the pile of dog shit that was left behind by the dog that was nowhere in sight. 

"I know i know but please nov"  She looks at me with puppy dog eyes reffering to the agreement we knew was in place. I payed for the dog but in return she cleaned up after her .So As nice as i am i wholeheartedly draw the line at picking up feces.  "Ummm yeah im not doing this with you today " She rolls her eyes then I get that 'woah is me ' facial expression and i gave her my 'not really a me problem' look and went back up to my room.As i  plop down on my bed and pull out my song book from under my dresser I get a text from my Best friend Kayla.

~What it do babyyyyy you ready to spend money we don't have ?~ Kayla

~girl you know im always ready to make bad finical decisions  ~Nova

~AYEEEEE dasss my bitch can't wait to see it come out side ~Kayla

    With the last message sent I put my song book back in its hidden spot and gathered my keys and bag. Walking out the front door scanning the more busy then usual street.To my surprise i saw a moving truck next door. Shrugging it off I walked down my drive way to Kayla's car.

"Ooohhh yes that is a nice amount of ass in this out fit we love to see it i recommend  " Man she has a one track mind everything's about ass . "Thanks girl aye you see that moving truck next door you think they have little kids i need babysitting money"

"Yea Maybe or maybe it's the new volunteers Autumn was telling us about yesterday , you know she said it was some people around our age" Truth is I didn't have the slightest clue about that conversation I was zoned out . I have been doing that a lot lately . Yet nobody seems to notice because oddly they continue to talk as if i'm invested in the words leaving their mouths.

     "That would be cool and all but i need money so unless them grown adults needs a babysitter i lost all interest " We laugh and turn the music up in the car and have us a karaoke session all the way to the mall.  As we get there we noticed it was more crowed then normal mostly because we had to park so far away from the door.We walked straight to the food court to give our feet a slight break before we have our shopping frenzy.

    "I think i wanna go to Victoria secret that pj set in the window was actually really cute . " To normal people that would seem like a normal store for any girl to wanna go to. As for me however i never step foot in that store i don't need to spend a whole light bill on two inches of fabric.Which means something coming from me cause money seems to burn a hole in my pockets.

    "Not the queen of talking shit on Victoria and her secrets" she sounded so what's the word sarcastic yup that's it . Just when I was about to flip her off for her shade thrown in my direction i feel a kiss me on my cheek.Catching me off guard considering i was with the only person i know here.

   "You gotta announce yourself before you do stuff like that  " I said kinda shocked that I didn't punch him out of instinct but glad i didn't once i realized who it was. "My bad Ma what's up?" i look up at the tall brown skinned man standing next to our table.

     "You lucky that was her cause i stab niggas for less"I couldn't help but laugh at Kayla's comment that was followed by her famous eye roll.
     "Anyway babe what are you doing here i thought you had to watch your sister?" I ask looking up at my boyfriend Terrell .Seeing him here was honestly a huge surprise considering he hasn't had any free time lately.He seems to keep getting stuck watching his little sister bre. She is the cutest 5 year old you have ever seen. He smiled down at me "Oh yeah my mom took today off so she has her so i came here with them fools. "I looked all around us to see if i saw their familiar faces in the crowded room of people with no luck then back at him. 

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