Chapter 10

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I was really nervous about the weight room. What if the guys didn't even give me a chance?!? I told myself that the Captains would handle it. They gave me a chance so why wouldn't the other guys. I was fine. When I got to the gym I started to get nervous about the boys locker room. Then Jaden walked out. He still had his school clothes on, but a grin was streched across his face.

"What are you doing out here? You're not dressed for practice," I say with so much confusion.

"You don't think I'd make you see all the other guys in there changing would you?" he says in a duh tone.

"I..I didn't know to be honest," I say stuttering.

"Whatever. Close or cover your eyes and give me your hand. I'll take you back to the lockers," he says putting his hand out. I did as he said and he lead me to my locker. I opened it and took out my clothes.

I went into a bathroom stall and changed. I realized that I forgot to grab my shirt from the bag. Nothing I could do now. I walked out in a sports bra and shorts with spandex underneath. I immediately felt eyes fall on my body. I had a very toned stomach and my body was something I wasn't ashamed of. I felt Jaden and Kris eyes' on me as I opened my locker again. I pulled on a Nike shirt that said "My Game is Sick, Too bad it Ain't Contagious", that was plain white with red and grey writing. I pulled hair into a french braid and welked up to Kris. I put my hand on my hip and very confidently said," Where's the weight room?"

I was the first one in there so I looked at the machines. I've used most of them back home and was good at them. I started to get excited. Those boys weren't going to know what hit them.

 When the boys walked into the weight room, they told me to get out. Then Jaden came in and they all starting whining to him.

"Alright, ok, enough LISTEN!" when he yelled he got everyone's attention." She is trying out for the team and you will treat her with respect or you can forget about making the team."

This guy named Owen was spotting me and the bar slipped but he didn't catch it. He purposely pulled his hands away. I screamed and gasped for air. Most of the guys started laughing or slapping Owen on the back in a good job kinda way. Jaden came rushing oer and tried to calm me down. I just couldn't with all the guys laughing. Jaden took me out of the room and got me calm. 

"What happened? Did Owen accidently miss a spot?" he asked me.

"He pulled his hands away and missed the spot on purpose," I explained.

"Don't worry," he said in calm manner. We walked back into the room and all the guys stopped laughing except Kris who never started. He whispered in my ear to go stand behind Kris so I did.

"Owen, you have no chance to be on the team. You can continue tryouts if you want, but you will not be a part of the team this year. Since the rest of you think it's so funny when people are hurt, you are all going to lift for the next hour," Jaden said with authority.

"But then we'll still have a hour of practice," some guy yelled from the back. That was a dumb move.

"For the last hour, you will run. You will run around the football field until practice is over. If you walk, you aren't on the team. Then you will stay after and do 150 sit-ups. Wanna laugh after you do that?" he said with anger in his words.

After watching the whole team, excluding Kris, Jaden, and me, run and do 150 sit-ups I felt a little guilty. But I was still hurting, so I wasn't that guilty. I walked out of the locker room with my phone in one hand and carrot sticks in the other. Kenna and Kenzies' practices ended half an hour after mine, so I had to wait. As I walked out of the school, onto the grass to watch my sisters, I felt water being poured on me. Jaden and Kris had already left, so I knew the boys weren't going to get in trouble.

"Nice sports bra babe," one of them hollered. I had a light purple sports bra on, so I knew he was being sarcastic. 

"Tomorrow you should save yourself the embarrassment and not show up," another one yelled from the roof.

I walked to grabbed my backpack, and sat in my sisters' car. And I cried for the first time in a long time.

Sorry for any mistakes it was kinda rushed. This is so sad poor Michaelyn. The picture is her shirt. 

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