Chapter 9

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"Hi, I'm Michaelyn," I say.

"Hi, I'm Saige. Are you new here?" she asks. Saige had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen and gorgeous blonde hair. She looked like she'd stepped out of a magazine. 

"Yeah. I would have started a conversation yesterday but I was so focused on finding the gym," I explain. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

"I'm Saige Addison. Sound familiar?" she questions.

"Addison? Your my next door neighbor!" I say realizing it.

The teacher told us we had the whole period to work on a project with a partner. Saige and I decided to do it at home and just talk the whole period. So that's what we did.

We talked about our schedules and we were in all each others classes. I got her number at lunch and we walked to our third class together. This class had some juniors and seniors. My sisters weren't in it though, so that was good.

"Hey Mike," I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around to be face to face with Jaden while Saige stares at me with her eyes big.

"You do know that isn't my name right?" I ask with attitude.

"I guessed it wasn't your real name, but I don't even know it," he say almost defensively.

"It's Michaelyn. Like Michael with a lyn at the end?" I say in a flat tone. Just the the teacher walked in and told everyone to stand. She explained that we were going to have assigned seats. She called Jaden's name and Saige's name and everyone in the class but me. She looked at me and apologized. Then she put me right infront of Jaden.

"Ugh that's so not fair, we sit on oppisite sides of the room," I complained to Saige as we walked to our next class. Fourth class was a blur with nothing exciting happening. The last bell rang and Saige offered me a ride home. I quickly shook my head no and ran to the locker room. Oh my gosh today was weight day! Crap! 

The picture is Saige Addison. She lives next door to Michaelyn and her family. 

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