Chapter 6

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I passed them. I did it! Oh my gosh I passed them. Wait is this good or bad?

"Hey Michael, good job man!" a guy who I didn't know slapped my back. Hard. Thank God for the pads.

The Captains skated over and in that two seconds, evryone else skated away from me. Uh oh.

"So... you beat us. Didn't see that coming. Where are you from and why the heck didn't you play last year?" Jaden asks me.

"I'm new here," I say in hopefully a deeper voice.

"Well congrats on beating us. How 'bout we take you to pizza after practice? Bond as the three best hockey players ever!" Kris says the last part in a whisper yell voice.

Jaden shoots him a look and he quickly shuts up.

"So you, me, and this dufus standing next me are going to pizza after practice. You drive?" Jaden explains and then asks.

"No my sister gives me a ride," I telling skating back a little hoping to get out of the conversation.

"Wait!" he yells as I start to turn around to skate away, "I'll drive. Come talk to me in the lockeroom after you're done changing," and with that he skates away.

During practice we do shooting, passing, stick handling, and skating drills. We shoot on the goalies. 5 people are trying to make the team as goalies, but I know they will only take 2. And the rules were clear, if you don't make it as goaile, you can't continue tryouts as a regular player. Out of the 5 guys, I knew who the goalie had been the past years. And he was going to be it this year again. His jersey said Hannings but I later found out his name was Dylan.

For skating practice we had to do suicides, but I was excusted and told to come and stand by the Captains. Jaden looked me dead in the eye as he said a few words that almost made my heart stop.

"There is something different about you, that you're trying to hide. And I'm going to find out what it is," he said in almost a creepy way.

Oh yes you will Jaden. Probably tonight at dinner.

Picture of Jaden (Hayes Grier) on the side or above. I know he isn't exactly 6'2" but let's pretend he is ok? Ok good.

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