Chapter 11

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I sat in the car and cried. Just cried. For half an hour I went back and forth between crying and trying to calm down. There are somethings that ruin everything. That moment, that single moment, I realized it didn't matter how much repsect I had at home. It was gone the moment I left the town. That's how it was always going to be. I would have to prove myself everywhere I went. But I could have been Captain. My mom ruined my life. I am usually very mature and considerate about money and stuff like that. Today, I had no patience. I wanted to scream at my mom and tell her how much she ruined my life. Then I wanted to go home. Just leave. I wanted to go somewhere that I was appreciated. I was done with this new life. So I just kept crying.

My sisters came to the car and put their bags in.

"Why did you tell us you were going to sit in the car? We thought you were going to watch the last half hour but you weren't there. We were so worried Michaelyn," McKennna finished.

"Let her talk, jeez Kenna," Kenz said in a calm voice.

"Well I walked out of the school and some guys dumped water on me. They made some nasty comments and I was out here, and I realized, I hate mom for doing this to us," I said with my voice increasing in volume as I went on.

"Calm down. You are mad at these guys for being jerks, not at mom. She is just trying to pay the bills, keep food on the table, and fund our passions and futures. It's not her fault," Kenz said in a very assuring voice.

"I know that in my heart but I just hate being disregarded like this," I said disappointed.

My sisters come with me to get the rest of my stuff. When I walk to the boys locker room instead of the  girls, my sisters give me a look, but remain silent. I walk to the back corner and open my locker. I grab my bag and we walk out together. I throw my bag in the back and get in the car. We drive home in silence. When we get home, we discover that my mom isn't home. Big shocker right?

I trudged up the stairs with my bag which weighed a million pounds. My room was a disaster, but hey, it was mine. I got in the shower and did my usual routine. I got out and put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. I sat down to do my homework and by the time I was finished, it was almost 9:00pm. I went downstairs and my mom was there talking with Kenzie.

"Hi darling," my moms says to me. 

"Hello mother," I say in a dreary tone, while grabbing a bag of frozen chicken nuggets.

"Don't use that tone of voice with me young lady," my mom says in a bossy tone.

"What tone mother?" I say sarcastically while putting the chicken nuggets on a plate.

"I know it's been a long day, but you need to show me some respect," my mom says with authority.

"I'll show you respect when you do more than sleep in this house," I say with a very sassy tone.

"I will not take this attitude in my own house! Go to your room right now!"

"No," I say in a very calm tone. 

My mom continues to tell me to go to my room, but I ignore her. I make my chicken nuggets and go back to my room. I put on something random from Netflix and eat my chicken nuggets. My mom comes in at some point but I ignore her again. I block out the world and ignore everything. I'm staring at a wall with a blank look on my face. I think of the same thing over and over. It's an old quote  McKenzie used to tell me. 

Fear kills dreams, fear kills hope. Fear puts people in the hospital, fear can age you. Fear will hold you back from something you know within yourself that you're capable of doing. Fear will paralyze you, but only if you allow it.

A/N OMG it's been so long! Sorry guys but here's some more to hold you over. It's really emotional but there isn't much action. Thanks for reading!

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