Chapter 13

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Well, here we go again.

I waited for Jaden outside the locker room. When he saw me waiting, he rolled his eyes.

"You need a babysitter in there Mike?" he asked laughing at his comment.

"No I just want to go in there and see anything I.. uh... don't want to see," I said stuttering with the words. "And who said you could call me Mike?"

"Well I figured I could since I walked you up here in third block," he said confidently.

"You figured wrong," I said as I closed my eyes and he opened the door for me. Jaden guided me to the back corner and told me we where safely through. I opened my eyes and got into my locker. I pulled out my drawstring and went to the bathroom stalls and changed. My shirt was pretty sassy and this time it was black. My shirt said "Here to pick up weights not dates". I was ready to show these boys what I was made of. After all, they told me I couldn't, so now I have to show them I will.

A/N This is super short but I found this shirt and I had to put it in here before I lost it. The sass is real in this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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