Chapter 4

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"Thank you," I say as I leave the small office.

The principal was nice. Ok, she wasn't overly nice, but she talked to me about hockey. At first I explained why I play. Not for the guys, not to get attention, but because I love it.

She said that there was one reason for her to be a little hesitant. Last year, a girl was an ice skater and decided she wasn't getting enough attention for it, so she joined the hockey team. Since there was not girls team, she had to be able to try out. The coach was out that week and had the Captains choose the team. So of course, they put her on the team because she was pretty. When the coach got back, he couldn't  kick her off the team for being bad, if she already made the team. After a day in the weight room, she quit. The coach and the boys wouldn't pick a girl again, just because of that.

I argued that I'm actually here to play but she wouldn't think the coach would choose me. So she set up a bargin with me. If I could be a guy at hockey tryouts, they couldn't kick me off the team, for being a girl, after I told them.

Of course, just thinking of hockey, I said yes.

Picture of Mary (Peyton List) on the side or above.

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