Stare at the Window and Rhyme

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I'm really not much of a poet. I rarely write poems anymore. But I found these written in an old notebook hidden in some box at home and I thought I'd share it with you. (Plus I think I should make a digital copy, because the said notebook is falling apart).

These poems are written like a gazillion years ago (reminescent of my pubescent years when I yearned for true love blah blah blah). I'll put in the dates so there's proof of its vintage-ness. If they suck, that's because I was young and more stupid (You are never smarter than before, you are just less stupid) back then, and we could just leave it at that. 

Please feel free to leave comments. I'll take anything you throw at me.

Just as long as you take anything I throw back. =D

By all means, enjoy. 

Stare at the Window and RhymeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon