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Consider this my very first heartbreak

When I find out that fairytales are not true

That every story that starts out with "Once upon a time.."

Doesn't always end with "Happily ever after"

Reality is too brutal for happily ever afters

Consider this my very first heartbreak

When I come to learn that true love isn't so sweet

And relationships are of bitterness and grief

As they are of happiness and dreams

Love is more about bitterness and grief

Consider this my very first heartbreak

When I discover that friends are not forever

That after a year, a decade, they seem unbreakable

Then everything just falls apart

Some friendships just fall apart

Consider this my very first heartbreak

When I realize that the life I pictured when I was younger

Was far from what I'm seeing now

That the world isn't at all about my utopic dreams

Life is too cruel for my utopic dreams. 

MLS 09-01-08

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