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1 Week Later
Ellie's Pov:
It's been a perfect week.
No beatings
No harm
Nothing bad
The doctor told my parents that if any other harm happened to me this week then I would have to go back to the hospital which my parents DID NOT want to do so now that my weeks up.
All. Hell. Will. Break. Loss.
I broke my right foot, and my left wrist and some sever bruises on my face but nothing TO bad.
I can walk a little now but I still have a limp and at school I have to use crutches to get around. But if anything good has come out of this it is that Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Liam don't hangout with Louis anymore. Well they talk an stuff like that but they won't hurt me.
I walk downstairs to see my mom and dad sitting at the table and Louis in front of the table. Since I haven't done anything for a week I decided to make everyone breakfast and do the dishes before school even tho I have a broken foot and wrist.
"Hi Mother, Hello Father." I say as I enter the kitchen.
"What do you want?" Asked my mother with a look of disgust on her face.
"Well since I've been lazy and a horrible daughter last week I want to make you breakfast." I said using mean words to describe myself which I know makes them happier.
"Um ok? I want a bacon, egg, sandwich with wheat bread, your mother wants pancakes with powdered sugar an strawberries, and Louis wants waffles with butter and honey." My father said not even looking up from his newspaper.
I start breakfast and I've learned a thing or two from my years of being a slave that I know how to make breakfast FAST.
In about 10 minutes I had everyone's breakfast done and on the table. Everyone took a bite and soon shoveled it down like the disgusting pigs they are.
"Not that bad I'll make sure to only give you 3 whips with the belt and 4 punches and 2 kicks tonight." My mom and dad said nodding at each other.
"W-wait why do I get h-h-hit tonight?" I asked shaking in fear.
"Well you didn't do crap for a week, didn't do your chores, or anything." said my brother giving a 'duh' face shoving down the rest of his waffle.

Fear flashed on my eyes as I made my way upstairs not even bothering to get breakfast. I went into the bathroom and brushing my teeth and hair putting it into a waterfall braid. Then make up to cover up the ugly a little bit then put on my outfit. I wore black skinny jeans, a tank top that said "sorry not sorry" in big letters with a red flannel tied around my waist. Last I put on one red converse on since my other foot had a brace thing on it. I grabbed my back pack with all the homework I missed from the week before in it and made my way downstairs.
"I'm walking to school," I called out to anyone who cared and ran out the door.
Wind was hitting my face and foot as I felt the fall air. I made it to the front of the school and walked in. I saw Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Liam in the distance and they turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back and keep walking.
My foot was getting achey so I started using my crutches.
People were staring a me.
Talking about me.
They all knew what happened.
But not the whole story.
They knew I got hurt and was in the hospital but not why.
I got to my locker and opened it but then I thought....
"How am I gonna carry these around" I thought trying to get everything out...
"ELLIEEEEEE" I heard people scream down the hall and soon I was seeing a stampped of 4 boys pushing people to get my way.
But then I saw my best friends who soon gave me a giant bear hug.
"Hey guys" I say like nothing have happened.
We talked for about 5 minutes about everything and they offered to help carry my stuff and help me which I kindly exempted.
[Skip the rest if the day]
Today was a good day!
I got help with my work and such by my friends and they were making sure no one was gonna touch me which ment my brother didn't get to me all day!
But I know once i get home it won't be as great.
Cameron gave me a ride home and gave me a hug letting me out. I walked inside to see my mom and dad upstairs
getting the supplies for the beating but also talking about leaving?
I crawled up the stairs slowly and stopped by the door looking in the door way.
"It's time to take her out"

(ON HOLD) My Only Hope O2L,Magcon,1D fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang