Falling into Heaven

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Zayns Pov:
We watched her.
We watched her fall.
We watched her say a poem.
We watched as people came running.
We watched the ambulance come.
We watched her being lifted on to a stretcher.
We watched her being taken away.
We watched her soul being taken out of her.
We watched her.
Ellie's Pov:
I was being carried to heaven by a angel. She said to me she was my guardian angel and she was the reason I've been alive this while time. She was very nice and soon enough we were in heaven.
It was beautiful.
There was fountains, and flowers, and everyone had a smile on there face.
Then I saw him.
He came up to me and smiled. "Well hello Ellie" he said
I just stood in aw well he laughed.
"well I hope you like seeing heaven but now it's time for you to head back" he said with a frown.
"What why? I like it here better" I said with tears in my eyes.
"Because it's not your time yet so your guardian angel will take you back down now" he said as my guardian angel took my hand and lead me back down to earth.
We walked into a hospital room.
"Is that me?" I asked the angel
"Sadly yes" she said frowning
I was looking at a girl with bruises and cuts all over her body. She had tear stained cheeks and no color to her face.
"Why was I put in this life?" I asked the angel soon about to leave.
"Because we knew you could handle it. You don't know it but good will come."
She said leaving me to go back into my body.
Louis Pov:
She was rushed to the hospital and we were left standing here. All the guys were mostly guilty but I wasn't. I had a evil grin on my face.
She might be gone!
All the neighbors were here.
But I couldn't hear.
It was like a mute bubble.
I was smiling.
The neighbors were glaring and screaming but I didn't care. I couldn't hear the hurtful remarks.
But I watched the guys get in Liam's car and drive away probably to the hospital but I didn't care.
8 hours Later
Ellie's Pov:
I just woke up to see 8 people huddled around my bed. I was happy to see Nash, Matt, Cameron, and Carter but then I saw THEM.
My eyes got big and I started to hyperventilate and I had a heart monitor connected to me and it was going nuts!
Soon a nurse ran in and checked me and looked confused.
"Were you scared? nothing is really wrong" she said curiously
"Ya why are the here! please make them leave" I said pointing at the people who put me in here.
"Oh yes sorry Ellie they wanted to see you but we can make them leave." said the nurse trying to make them leave.
"Wait wait Ellie Boo please let one of us explain and tell you something privately." Said Harry Pledingly looking at everyone in the room.
"1. You don't have the right to call me any nicknames and it's worse enough for you to say my normal name. 2. Do I get to choose who stays?" I ask with a look of worry in my voice.
"Sure" says Liam
"I-I-I choose Niall." I said as all the guys looked surprise.
"Why Niall?" asked Zayn looking a little hurt!?
" Because he almost never hurt me and if he did it looked more like her didn't want to. If I had to trust any of you guys it would be Niall." I said looking at his little Irish body.
Everyone left the room except Niall who came an sat on the corner of my bed.
"You would really trust me Ellie?" he said leaning towards me which made me flinch back a little but nod.
"I guess Zayn hurt me the most physically, Liam the most Emotionally, an Harry kind I creeps me out" I said shaking my head which made Niall laugh.
Ok I will admit something..... I may or may not have a very very very very VERY little crush on him.
"So what did you guy have to tell me." I said looking him straight in the eyes.
He signed but soon looked at me with guilt in his eyes.
"When we met your brother, you, and your parents we figured out about everything pretty quickly. Like the abuse and words they said and did. Your mom and dad told us that if we still wanted to be friends with your brother, we would have to hurt you too." He said starting to get tears in his eyes.
I looked at him in shock. They would rather have one friend then stop a abusive family.
"Y-you guys w-w-would rather have a horrible friend then to s-save me?" I said holding back tears.
"Well your mom also threatened us later on when we wanted to stop being his friend. She said she would blame it all on us for abusive contact with you." he said a sob escaping his mouth.
I looked at him with sympathy, anger, and sadness. I was mad that they would put me through that, I was sad for the same reason but i had sympathy for them since I know my "moms" threats well enough to know you never want her to say them.
"Ok" is all I say.
"Are you mad" he asked confused
"Oh yea but I know how my parents are so I forgive YOU i don't know about the others yet. But if you could leave I really wanna rest." I say closing my eyes.
"Ok night Ellie" he says leaving the room quietly.

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