What if I just left?

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Ellie's Pov:

I couldn't sleep that night.

I tried and tried but nothin was working. Cutting didn't help me sleep all it did was wake me up more. I thought until I came up with an idea.

To watch my ideals.

I got my laptop out and plugged in my ear buds and went on youtube.

I typed in O2L and there they were.

The perfect people who would love me for who I was not matter what.

I'm talking about JC Caylen, Connor, Sam, Ricky, Kian, Trevor Moran (haha see what u did there!)

I was watching the photo booth tag with Kian and Ricky which was one of my favorite videos till I looked at the clock.


Ugh time to get up.

I was about to get ready when my thoughts got the best of me.

What if I just left?

Would people worry?

Would the be happy?

Where would I go?

All these thoughts were running through my head until I felt a hard slap come across my face and I snapped out of it.

"Get ready idiot!" I heard my mom scream at me and pushed me towards my closet.

I decided on pink high waisted shorts with a white crop top that said " beach don't kill my vibe" on it and black converse.

I curled my hair and put on a lot of makeup to cover up my ugliness as my parents,brother, and bullies say.

I grabbed my backpack and penny board and skated of to school.

On my way I pasted starbucks and considered getting a drink.

I had 400 dollars at home just incase I had to run away and I had a extra 200 in my bag just in case. (Srry for another note but I have her have a lot I money so it makes since if she buys a lot of stuff) I pulled out a 5$ bill and walked in only to stop in my tracks.

"OH look who it is little Ellie looking for a little more fat to add on to the rest" I heard my brothers friend Liam say with my brother and friends around him laughing.

I knew one of the workers there heard but didn't say anything yet...

I started to walk out till I heard a girl probably around 4-5 say "that's not nice! Meanies like you have to sit in the naughty corner!" she screamed at the group of boys who just laughed at her.

Until a really pretty girl maybe 17 walked up to the boys which shut the boys up thinking she was all over them.

"Hey bullies I'll have I ask you to leave are cafa and don't come back and I already have pictures of you if you try to sneak in so thank you and have a crappy day :)" she said with a smile, came up to me and gave me a side hug and stood with me.

The boys got up and pretty much threw there chairs well glaring at me.

I thanked her and she gave me a free double chocolatey chip frappé so ya!

I quickly ran to school and found Matt fast so if my brother followed me he couldn't hurt me.

I told Matt about the girl at starbucks but not the brother part. He said how cool it was and I gave him the rest of the drink.

---------Skip Till After School----------

I'm at home right now and so far have avoided everyone. I am hiding in my bathroom right now just incase anyone came in. I started to Text Matt.

E= Ellie M=Matt

E - hey matty

M- hey munchkin

E- what would you do if I left?

M- left where?


M- I would die so I could be with you

E- really?

M- Um ya please you too fabulous

E- haha thank you

M- haha wanna know how I'm going to make you love me even more?

E- more?

M- ya you already love me but this will make you love me more

E- ok what?

M- I got you tickets to meet O2L!




M- ok love you tell you soon

Today was AMAZING

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