Its Was Private To Me PT:1

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Jc's Pov (holy moly new Pov!)
It was really out of the blue that Ricky let Ellie just stay here. Like Ricky read us the letter and apparently he's been texting her but we dont really know her. It's not a problem at all just a little weird. About 10 minutes later Ricky comes down with tear stained cheeks.
"Dude were you crying?" Asked Kian confused.
"No my eyes were just sweating," he said about to walk away until Connor grabbed his arm pulling him back towards us.
"Why were you crying," asked Connor with concern in his voice.
"Ellie told me why she was here. Her parents beat her then kicked her out. They just told her to leave! ONE OF HER BEST FRIENDS HAD TO DRIVE HER TO THE AIRPORT BECAUSE HER PARENTS DIDNT CARE!" Said Ricky about to sob again. All of us were in shock. Trevor and Ricky were crying. Sam was on the verge of tears, as was I. Connor was just shocked with a straight face. Then Kian. Kian looked pissed (soooo freakennn pisssed <--- if anyone can guess what that's from, I'll message them and they can be a character in the book except another daughter)
"HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THAT THOSE BASTERDS!" Yelled Kian running upstairs to his room probably about to cry. He doesn't like people seeing him cry.
Ellie's Pov
I heard Ricky tell the boys and I heard Kian yell and run upstairs. Poor Kiki:( I gotta go do my Ellie thang.
I walked into Kians room to see his face in a pillow and small whimpers escaping his mouth.
"Kian" I said in a little voice,looking at him.
He slowly looked up from the pillow with big puffy eyes and tears still running down them. He looked at me, got up, picked me up, threw me on his bed, and cuddled me like I was a teddy bear.
"I'm so srry that happened," he said between sobs.
"It's ok it's done and over with" I said giving him a sympathetic smile. He smiled back but still hugged me. We stayed like that till Sam walked in and awed.
"Awwww you guys! This is picture worthy," he said snapping a pic and walking out.
Soon after we got up and he went down stairs and I went to my room.
I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself. Ugh I'm so ugly. I took off my shirt and pants looking closer. My stomach stuck out, my thighs were so close together, my arm flab hanged, collar bone and side bones were not in my vocabulary. My hair was plain brown. I was thinking about dying it ombré having it light blue at the top and fad into purple. My eyes were bright green. The only thing I liked about myself. My nose was small and my mouth was tiny but I guess cute. But these thing don't stop me from doing what I came in here for.
I got my special box and pulled out a razor.
"Well hello little friend," I whispered to myself putting it against my wrist.
Fat/ugly/stupid/bitch/wort- before I could make the 5 little slash someone knocked on the door.
"Ellie were going to eat soon and the boys sent me to check on you can I come in!" Asked Trevor jiggling the door nob.
"Ugh hold on I'm not ready," I said trying to clean my wrist and put the razor away.
"They can't find out, they can't find out," I kept repeating to myself very quietly finally having everything put away my wrist covered in bracelets.
I soon opened the door to reveal trevor standing there. He smiled and took my hand as we walked downstairs. When we got down dinner was ready and we sat down.
"Wait are you guys a thing?" Ricky asked getting food.
"What no!? I was walking her down" said Trevor shaking his head.
I nodded staring down at my food.
It was a Taco and salad with water to wash it down. My stomach and brain were telling me to eat it but my self esteem told me no. I just moved stuff around and took a tiny bite of the taco and it was AMAZING, but I can't eat it or else I'll get even more fat. I ate some salad and drank 3 glasses of water. What? Water fills you up so you don't need to eat. I saw all the boys staring at me, then my food, then back at me.
"Arnt you gonna eat?" asked Sam still eating.
"Um no I'm not very hunger, I ate of the plane and when I got off," I said putting on my best fake smile.
They just nodded hesitantly.
"Well when were done eating we were gonna go out to the pool, wanna come?" Asked Connor smiling.
"Sure," I said starting to head upstairs till I remembered something.
I don't own a bathing suit.
I walk back done nervous.
"Um guys I don't own a bathing suit," I said looking down.
"That's fine Jenn and Andrea were gonna come over, meet you, and then come swimming. They would love to take you shopping for one," said Kian looking at the boys who nodded.
Right after they said that two girls ran into the house.
"WERE GOING SHOPPING?!" They screamed.
We all nodded well Jenn and Andrea grabbed my hand pulling me out to the car.

In the car after they pretty much kidnapped me, they introduced themselfs as i introduced myself. After about 20 minutes of singing, laughing, and talking we made it to the mall. Let me tell you something. Its huge. First place we ran to was forever 21. After about half an hour of not finding anything, we ran to charlotte russe, then finally wet seal. This is my favorite store. After about 5 minutes i found the perfect bathing suit. It was a high waisted bikini. The top was black with white pocka dots and a little piece in the middle was red. The bottom was red too with 6 metal button things. I showed it to Jenn and Andrea and they loved it. After they convinced me to buy a few more since we were in LA and I needed some different ones. So i also got a blue, black,purple and pink floral bikini. A plain red one piece that had cut outs on the side. And last a rainbow colored bikini that had flurrs at the top.

Finally we got everything, payed, then headed back to the house to swim. We walked inside and said are hellos then headed upstairs and i went into my room to change until i remembered something.
How do I cover those up!?
Ugh I'm so freaken stupid!
I should have gotten a long sleeved one.
Great now what do i do!?
I thought until I decided to wear a black long sleeve over the high waisted bathing suit. Then if the boys question I'll just say because I don't wanna get a sun burn because my arms are sensitive!
I put my hair up into a bun and make sure my makeup is all off and I put my sandals on and head downstairs.
I walk out side to see everyone except Kian...
Then I could see the guys and girls faces so i turned around and saw Kian running towards me.
I quickly move out of the way and watched him run straight into the pool. Me and everyone laughed so hard until are stomachs hurt.
That is until I heard Kian say well getting out of the pool
"OH your gonna get it," an I just looked in terror. You may be asking " Ellie why are you scared?" Or "he's only playing." well let me explain. When my parents got mad that's what they would say. An that's when the beating would start. So now whenever someone says that, I think there gonna hurt me. So back into reality I see Kian getting out of the pool. I quickly get up onto my feet and run inside well screaming "No!!!! Don't hurt me!" And I lock myself in my room. I ran to the corner and curled up into a ball

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