It Was Private To Me Pt:2

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Kian Pov:
What happened? I got out and she just screamed and ran inside. I looked at the guys and girls and they had the same expression I did. I knew I had to fix this so I ran inside.
I go up the stairs quickly and go to the room Ellie's staying in, but before I go I listen to what she was saying and all I can say was it is the saddest thing ever.
Ellie's Pov:
I ran upstairs and into my room crying. Why can't I just understand it was a fucking joke! He was just playing.
"I'm so dumb, why couldn't I just understand it was a joke! Ugh I guess when you ugly and fat that's what you get." I go to my bed and reach under my pillow, that's where I keep a spare razor.
"Well hello friend,"
/dumb/worthless/scared/ugly/fa- but before I could finish Kian came bursting into my room and just stood there in shock.
Kians Pov:
I listened to everything.
Did she really think that way about herself? She was so cute and so skinny and tiny! How could she think that way. But then I heard her move around her room and say "hello friend," and start repeating hurtful things.
No she cant be,
But she could be,
Finally I run into the room and there she is. Her wrist were bloody and she looked scared.
"Ellie..." I say quietly but soon see her go pale. And then she passes out.
I quickly pick her up and run downstairs.
"IM TAKING ELLIE TO THE HOSPITAL SHES HURT," I scream running to my car and laying her carefully in the front seat. I look back and see everyone getting into the cars as I start to drive off.
I drive through traffic as fast a can. Running a few red lights and stop signs in the process... But I didn't get caught so it's ok:)
Finally I get to the hospital and I quickly grab Ellie and run inside.
"HELP HELP SHES HURT SHES HURT!" I scream and in a blink of an eye shes ripped out of my arms and is being taken to a hospital room.
After about 5 minutes everyone else comes running in. They look at me and walk over.
"What happened?!" Ricky says franticly.
I explain to everyone as much as I could, about running up there and listening to her, talking about how insecure she was, and walking in on her self harming and her passing out.
Everyone by the end was in tears and it took all my strength to not cry.

:time skip 6 hours:
We've been in the waiting room for 6 hours now just waiting to hear from a doctor, but not long after one came out.
" Mr. Potrorff?" The doctor says
"OH in not her dad, she's just- wait pottorff?" I say looking at San who looks just as confused as me.
"Well anyways, Ellie is doing a lot better and everyone can go see her now. But only 3 people at a time please" the doctor says tell us the floor and room number.
"How about Ricky, Sam, and Kian go since Kian brought her here, Ricky is her close friend, and apparently Sams related to her," Andrea says looking at everyone as everyone nods.
After she says that, I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life to see someone.

Ellie's Pov:
I wait up to a bright light and a strong headache.
I look around confused, where am I?
Wait white room, uncomfortable bed, and wait what's in my arm?
I look to see a IV in my arm that I was about to rip out till a doctor came in and stopped me.
"Hello Mrs.Ellie, you feeling ok?" The doctor asked looking at his clipboard.
"Um okay, why am I here?" I ask looking confused.
"You lost a lot of blood from cutting youself and you passed out." He said looking at me sadly.
"Oh..." I say looking down sadly.
"Would you like me to send up your visitors?" The doctor asked with a small smile.
"I'm yea sure, but can you send only a few in at a time please?" I say looking up at him with a small smile as well.
He nods his head and walks out, and not two seconds later I hear foot steps running through the hall ways and up to my room.
I look to see who he sent and it was Kian, Ricky, and Sam.
"Ellie!" They all say congrats over and hugging me which I gladly except.
"Ellie I'm so srry for scaring you, I didn't know I would scare you that bad, please don't scare me like that again though" Kian says hugging me so tight.
"T-thanks K-k-Kian but I c-cant breath," I say gasping for air.
"Opps srry," he says rubbing the back of his neck.
I just smile and look at Ricky and Sam.
Ricky looks at me with a smile and hugs me.
"Why would you ever hurt yourself Ellie," he says on the verge of tears.
"Because I hate myself and my life," I say looking him straight in the eyes with no emotion.
"Well I'm going to change that, as long as you promise or atlest try to stop and not do that again." He says still hugging me.
"Okay," I say kissing his cheek. No I don't have a crush on him, I do it to everyone.
I look at Sam or stands there awkward.
"Well are we gonna hug or not," I say opening my arms which he returns and hugs me.
"Um but Ellie I have a question," he says letting go of the hug and looking at me.
"Yea," I say scared he might ask something personal or something.
"Um are we related? We have the Sam last name and now that I look at you more closely, we look alike." He says looking at me.
I just stare back and notice that he was right.
"I don't know," I say just as confused.
We just look at each other oddly.
We have to figure out if we are siblings.

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