Get this over with

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Ellie's Pov:

I got up to the sound of my alarm.

I looked over at the clock and it read 7:20am. "Dang it I'm gonna be late for school!" I thought as I rushed to get reading. I took a quiet shower and changed into a pink tank top with a black skater skirt and a white cardigan. I did my quick makeup which was enough to cover scars and bruises on my face. I grabbed everything I needed an slipped on my white vans.

"Well well well look who finally got up" I heard my brother say. I got really nervous an turned around. He gave me a evil smirk and walked closer.

"Just wait till were at school that's when the fun starts" he said well pushing passed me. I didn't bother grabbing breakfast since I'm already fat anyways.

I started walking to school till I saw Nash and Matt by the school so I ran over.

"Hey guys!" I said looking up at all of them.

"Hey cutie" Nash and Matt said picking me up. And 1. No were not dating it's just a nick name and 2. I am like a lot shorter then them so yes I look up to them. We walked to are lockers where we met Carter and Cameron. We said are hi's and stuff then started heading to class.

I walked into my homeroom and sat down and started reading The Fault In Our Stars till someone yanked it out I my hands and hit me in the head with it.

"Oww!" I said rubbing my head looking up at the person who did it.

Oh ya Louis is in my homeroom since were in the same grade

We waited for the announcements to come on well Louis was kicking my leg.

"Can you please stop?" I said glaring at him

"Can you like please die?' he said in the same voice making me look down sadly.

"LOUIS DETENTION!" The teacher yelled at him giving him a slip.

He looked over and glared at me saying with his eyes "your gonna get it" I looked away scared and left the room the minute the bell rang. I ran to my first period which was social studies.

I looked around the room for Carter since he was in this class with me and when I found him I sat right next to him.

"Hi Carter" I said in my little voice which made him awww in amusement.

"Hello munchkin" he said giving me a hug. Soon class started which ended with me taking notes and being the first to hand in my worksheets. One the clock hit 8:30 I headed out of the room walking to my 2nd period when I was yanked into weird room. It was dark until someone turned the light switch on and I noticed it was the janitors closet and right by me was Louis and Zayn.

" I told you, you would pay" Louis said and soon after Zayn and Louis started punching and kicking me but only where my skin would be covered.

" You later loser" Zayn said as him and Louis walked out laughing.

I fixed my clothes and sipped my eyes well walking to the nurse. I told her I fell down the stairs and she had me rest because I wouldn't let her call my parents. After 3 period I left to lunch which I found my favorite place in the world. I would sit by Nash,Cameron,Carter, and Matt and watched them eat well I stayed seated well talking. The boys would question but never to much to hurt me. We stayed talking and them eatting till the bell ran and I ran back off to finish the day.

(Skip to end of the day)

I was sooo happy to see that it was the end of the day and I grabbed my mint green and baby blue penny board which I call Lucy and went and looked for the boys. Since it was Monday and every Monday,Wendsday, and Friday me an my boys would go to the mall or to a movie.

I found then in the front of the school and we skated to the mall.

"Ahhh the mall" Matt said

We walked in and started shopping. We went to Aeropostale, Hollister, Wet Seal, Hot Topic, and other places and I ended up by new shirts,skirts, and snap backs which was great.

We said are goodbyes and went are separate ways home. When I got to mine I looked at the time scared.

5:36 great half an hour late that means 7 whips with the belt and no dinner for me but I'm fine with that.

I walked in and I was correct when I saw my dads furious face. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" He screamed at me face to face with me. I-i-I was at the library studying" I said in a little voice. "BULL CRAP!" He yelled taking his belt off and dragging me up stairs I didn't wiggle or anything since I new it would help but thanks to that my dad looked down and said I'll only get 4 wips since I didn't do anything coming up. He grabbed me by my hair and threw my on the bed and started to hit my bak with the belt.

1, 2, 3, 4, and let's just say it hurt like heck. I started crying and he screamed at me to go to my room.

I was really said but what made me even sadder was that I could hear my mom,dad, and brother downstairs laughing an talking well I'm always to one to get hurt.

Ugh what a day

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