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Kirishima's POV:

"Okay, Kirishima. We just need to ask you a few questions. First of all, are your parents here?" The woman in police uniform asked.

"No, he.. he's at work right now." I mumbled.

"That's a shame. Can you write his number here? I'll give him a quick call once this is over, Okay?" She smiled.

I was terrified.

Stuck in this small room with two people I don't know. I know there police officers but there still people. People hurt me.

One small slip of the tongue and I'll lose another person.

I'll lose dad.

I'll be so lonely.

"Hello? Kirishima Eijirou? Can you hear me, sweetheart?" The police officer asked.

I nodded slightly.

"Alright then. What time did this happen at? If you know?"

I thought about it. It was early. About an hour after school started.

"Eight in the morning?" I mumbled to her, looking away.

She scribbled something into her notebook and handed it to the man sitting next to her. He nodded and opened a laptop.

"Okay. We are aware your friend found you collapsed outside the school gates, then you stayed at his house for the past few days. Is that correct?" She questioned.

I nodded.

"Right. May I ask if you know the man who did this to you?" She said, gently patting my hand with hers.

I shook my head.

"No? Can you give a description?"

I thought for a moment. I stayed in silence, not wanting to say anything.
She pet my hand again.

"Tall. Scary." I choked out.

"We understand." She comforted, turning to her assistant.

"Was he wearing anything in particular. Even shoes count, if you can remember." She said quietly.

"Grey jacket." I said with a monotone voice.
I'm making this up as I go.

She smiled gently, trying to make me feel better.

"Now. We get this can be uncomfortable for you, and you don't have to do it if you feel upset out it, but Mrs. Bakugou Mitsuki says that there is marks and bruises all over your body. This is crucial evidence. We may have to take a look- and as I said, you don't have to do it just yet."

I swallowed. "Bakugou..."

"What was that, dear?" She asked.

"Can.. can Bakugou be with me?" My voice wobbling.

"Of course, if it makes it easier. What a brave boy." She smiled at me. My eyes filled with tears, her actions reminding me of Mrs. Bakugou.

They called Bakugou into the room.

He sat next to me, looking confused.

"Hello, Bakugou. Kirishima would like you to sit with him while a doctor takes a quick look at his body, for bruises and cuts. Is that okay?"
The woman said gently.

So fucking weak.

I can't even do this by myself.

I felt Bakugou's hand wrap around mine
"Sure." He said.

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