The Party Part 1

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"Master, I think our bellies are trying to tell us something, and I think you mentioned something about breakfast?" At the word breakfast both stomachs growl simultaneously.

"Right, food. TO THE KITCHEN!" Clauneck shouts, pointing one finger to the sky dramatically before he takes off at a sprint out of the room, Tom lets out a surprised laugh at the demon's antics before he too dashes out to the room as well, his previous fears completely forgotten in the face of his master's foolishness, which unbeknownst to Tom was Clauneck's plan.


Two Months later, the Day of Anniversary Party

Tom holds perfectly still as Clauneck stands a hairs breath away, fiddling with the emerald collar used for obedience training, they are both standing out in the front yard of the house, the twin suns have just finished setting, casting an eery twilight over the forest and surrounding area.

Clauneck had picked out a special outfit for Tom to wear this evening. He has on a bright maroon long sleeve dress shirt with emerald cufflinks, a black button up vest to go over it. His pants are a pitch black with specially designed knee pads hidden within them. Black socks adorn his feet but they are covered by a pair of polished dress shoes, finally his hair has been styled to give him that rolled out of bed look. Over all he looks like a model about to walk the run way.

"Ok, are you ready to go to the party, Tom?" Clauneck looks up where he stands, he has finished transferring Tom's dog tags onto the emerald collar, which was why he was fiddling with it. The demon himself has also cleaned up. He has ditched his normal black shorts that he wore everyday and is now wearing his own black dress pants that hug his hips in all the right ways, subtly showing off his well sculpted legs and ass without being obvious about it. The rest of Clauneck's clothes are the same as Tom's except the colors are swapped, unlike Tom's, Clauneck's dress shirt is a jet black while his vest is a vivid maroon, his cufflinks are a raven black that match his eyes. The other noticeable difference between their outfits are the precious metals that Clauneck has covering piece of exposed skin. He has a ring on every one of his fingers, each ring holding a different type of jewel. Four gold neckless hang around his neck, even his horns are decorated with golden chains that jingle as he walks.

'No.' "Yes, Master." Tom says, his voice steady. For the past two months Tom and Clauneck have been preparing for this night. Clauneck had tripled the intensity in Tom's obedience training, it had not been easy, Tom barely made it through, but it was worth all the pain for now Tom can successfully hide all of his emotions behind a blank mask that he has perfected. The only one who can see through Tom's mask is Clauneck, which is why his master can tell he is not ready at all.

"Tom it will be ok, we have discussed this, you won't leave my side the whole night, and it you feel overwhelmed at any point, tell me and I will find us a quiet little corner for you to calm down in. Just remember your training and everything will be fine."

An inaudible sigh escapes Tom as his master secures the emerald collar around his neck, 'Master is right, I have nothing to be worried about, Master will protect me if anything goes wrong and I just need to follow my training. Everything will be fine.'

Clauneck steps back once the collar is in place. He gives Tom a once over, nodding his head as he finds everything to his liking. "Alright we are all set to go. Now since I can't shadow travel to another Demon Lord's home we are going to have to travel by air. Which mean I am going to have to carry you in my claws while I fly us over to Naamah's house in dragon form."

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