Escape From the Maze

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'It wants to keep me as a PET!' No longer able to hold them in, tears start streaming down Tom's face. The creature stands up from its place on the floor and walks over to where Tom is huddled against the wall. Too overwhelmed to react Tom doesn't flinch as it crouches down in front of him to places a hand back on his head.

"Do not fear little one, I take good care of my pets."

His fears now confirmed, Tom, no longer able to stand the stress, succumbs to the darkness that has been creeping in on him since he escaped his captor's grasp. His eyes roll back as he slumps forward in a dead faint, right into the waiting arms of a monster.


Deep in a dark cave, Tom lay on the stone ground still unconscious. He is still wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday, a light blue button-up shirt and a pair of jeans. His dark brown hair is sticking up all over the place but most of it is resting over his eyelids. Tom finally starts to stir, groaning from the aches in his back and neck from sleeping on the floor. He pushes himself into a sitting position and brushes his bangs out of his face, revealing dark emerald colored eyes. Looking around the small empty cave in confusion.

'Where am I? And why was I sleeping on the floor?' Suddenly the past events crash into him, drawing a horrified gasp from his lips. 'Getting home from work, finding the monster in my living room, being man-handled by it, the collar, OH MY GOD THE COLLAR!' Hands flying to his neck, and sure enough, there is still a metal band around his throat.

"No, oh god no, please no," Tom mutters to himself as huge sobs rack his body, large tears streaming down his face. 'It must have brought me back to its lair after I passed out, I am supposed to be its new pet! Why would it even want a human pet! The only reason it wanted me in the first place was because it was high from oral surgery!' Tom's thoughts screeched to a halt. 'It only wanted me because it was high, but that was who knows how long ago, will it still want me now that it is no longer drugged? If it doesn't then what will it do to me? Will it let me go?'

Tom thinks back to his interactions with the creature, how it growled at him when it got annoyed. Green eyes widening with horror. 'No if that thing decides it no longer wants a pet then it will kill me, oh God, I've got to get out of here before it comes back!' Looking around frantically for any signs of an exit, Tom spots an opening in the cave wall opposite him. He scrambles to his feet; taking off through the archway. Running through the tunnel in a panic, coming to many twists and turns, lit only by torches that are nailed to the cave wall, Tom eventually runs out of breath. He bends over with his hands on his knees, gulping in lung fills of air. He looks up, his hands still braced on his knees.

'Everything looks the same. How can I escape when I don't even know where the damn exit is?!' Tom stands up straight and looks around, seeing only more corridors that give no indication on which way to go. Feeling despair but determined not to give up, Tom picks a random direction and starts walking, too tired to run anymore.

After wandering for what feels like hours Tom eventually enters another room. The room he has stumbled upon is humongous, bigger than two football fields. The ceiling has to be at least seventy-five feet high. But it was not the size of the room that made Tom freeze in the doorway. It is what the room is filled with that stops him in his tracks. The room is filled with all sorts of treasures. Mountains of gold and silver coins as far as the eye can see. Stepping forward in a trace Tom's foot collides with something. Looking down, his eyes nearly bug out of his head. What he had first thought to have been a rock turns out to be the biggest diamond he has ever seen. Bending down to inspect it, he picks it up.

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