An Ordinary Day as a Pet

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The demon chuckles softly as he walks toward the stairs, causing gentle vibrations to course through his chest, sending Tom into a relaxing state. They are only half-way up the stairs when Tom goes limp in Clauneck's arms, fast asleep.

Entering their room Clauneck places his sleeping pet on his cushion in the corner, he stoops down to rest on the balls of his feet as he rakes a clawed hand through Tom's hair.

'Today went a lot better than I thought it would. Not only have I started regaining his trust, but he also didn't freak out when he saw my dragon form, in fact, he seemed to even enjoy it, especially my wings.'

Clauneck's wings give an involuntary twitch at the phantom feeling of Tom exploring them.

'We both got extremely lucky that it was his house I shadow traveled into that day, he has had a hard life but now that he belongs to me, he never has to worry about anything ever again.'

Clauneck steps away from his pet and moves to his bed, collapsing on top of the sheets, falling asleep instantly.


Three months later

Tom opens his eyes lazily as he slowly wakes up, leisurely he sits up on his mattress while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Looking around the room he sees that his master's bed is empty and already made.

'Huh, I guess Master let me sleep in.' Tom thinks as he stretches his arms above his head, arching his back, he groans happily as it gives off a few satisfying pops. Standing up Tom walks over to a dresser that stands a short distance away. Opening the bottom draw Tom pulls out a work-out shirt and some baggy shorts. Closing the bottom draw Tom sets the clothes on top of the dresser before he removes the extra-large shirt he was sleeping in, tossing it in a basket next to the dresser. Grabbing the clothes from the dresser and slipping them on Tom stumbles his way out of the bedroom door towards the kitchen, half way down the stairs a delicious aroma reaches his nostrils.

'Mmmmm, breakfast, smells like Master made pancakes today, yes, my favorite.'

Tom picks up his pace and enters the kitchen where he sees Clauneck at the stove, flipping pancakes, with his back to Tom.

"Good morning Master." Tom greets as he slides to the floor next to his already filled water bowl, waiting patiently for his breakfast to be served. Clauneck twist his head around so he can look at Tom, an easy smile on this face.

"Good morning Bright Eyes, how did you sleep? Your back is not acting up is it?"

Tom rolls his eyes, now well use to the nickname and the question about his injury.

'My back stopped aching two weeks ago and hasn't caused me a problem for a while now. I may have some scars that will never go away, but they are all faint and barely noticeable unless you are looking for them. You don't have to keep bringing my injury up all the time.'

"My back feels fine Master, I am in no pain what so ever, you don't have to worry about me so much."

Stacking a plate high with the golden-brown fluffy goodness Clauneck shifts around to face Tom. "It is my job to worry, I am your owner, which mean I am responsible for you."

Tom rolls his eyes again but says nothing.

Clauneck walks over to Tom and places three pancakes in his food bowl. He then tousles Tom's hair. "If that makes me an overbearing owner then so be it."

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