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Richie woke up an hour later than usual. He didn't bother to fully wake up, instead rolling over and reaching out a hand for Eddie. But Eddie wasn't there. Instead, his hand met cold, abandoned sheets. He sat up, blankets pooling at his waist as he fumbled for his glasses.

He's downstairs, maybe, Richie figured, or in the bathroom. He slid the glasses onto his nose, his vision clearing. He caught sight of something that wasn't there before, a lined paper neatly folded at the end of his bed. He reached over and plucked it up, the paper dangling from between his fingers.

It was a letter from Eddie. It didn't specify where he was off to, but Richie already had an idea. He didn't recall getting out of bed or putting on his shoes, next thing he knew his feet were hitting cement and morning summer air filling his lungs. He scrambled onto his bike, noticing Eddie's missing. His stomach sank and he pushed off, heading to the place in mind.



Eddie stepped inside, the familiar smell of the house welcoming him. He couldn't call it home - the familiar smell of home - it didn't sit right with Eddie. Not after what his mother said she would do. Sonia slammed the door, making Eddie jump. He took a small step back as she turned to him, a furious expression crossing her face. "What made you think it was okay to run off like that? To leave me?" She asked, "You need my help, not Tozier's help." Eddie's eyes snapped up to her. "Leave him out of this." Sonia raised her chin, staring him down. He stared back. After a moment of tense silence, she waved her hand. "Up to your room, Eddie."

He turned and ran up the stairs, his anger building with each step. The question of why he returned popped into his mind but he quickly reminded himself. For Richie. Last night while laying next to him, Eddie promised himself something. He promised himself he'd never let Richie feel that powerless ever again standing in front of Wentworth - or in general. Eddie found Richie's hand in the dark room and intertwined their fingers, silently promising. He'd keep it, even if it meant leaving to go back to the one place he hated.

He looked out his window, a small sigh pushing past his lips. He stared blankly outside, watching as birds flew past his window. Freedom. They had freedom. His eyes caught something reflecting off the morning light. Narrowing his eyes, he pushed off the bedroom door and crossed his room to the window.

In the frame, small silver circles were hammered in. His mind flashed to what they could be, but he quickly shook his head. No. He unlocked the window and tried to push it up but it refused to budge. As he was trying to force his window open, the anxiety building in his chest, a soft click sounded from his bedroom door. "Momma?" He called out as he raced across his room, falling into his door. He grabbed at the doorknob, jiggling it to get it open. "Momma!"

"I left your pills on your bedside table and a glass of water," Sonia's muffled voice said through the door, "And I'll be back up for lunch." Eddie felt like he could puke from the anxiety. It filled his bones, making him jumpy with fear. "Momma!" He cried out, pounding on the door. "You can't leave me in here!"

Tears tightened his throat, making it hard to continue screaming. It was no use, anyway. She wasn't going to return. Eddie was trapped, his personal prison becoming actual prison. He slid down the door to the ground, a sob forcing its way out. A weak hand hit the door again, one final attempt at breaking through to Sonia. Another sob waited in his throat and he breathed in shakily, the tears in his eyes falling.



Richie doubled over next to his bike, gasping for air. He didn't think he's ever peddled that hard in that short of time, but it got him where he needed to be. The Kaspbrak's. He climbed up the same three steps Eddie had climbed just an hour before. He didn't waste a second pounding on the door.

Sonia answered, her eyes narrowing when she saw Richie. "Mr. Tozier. What do you think you're doing here?" She asked, sneering. Richie tried to look past her, but she was blocking any possible glance into the house. "Is Eddie here?" He asked and Sonia shook her head. "No, he's not. I'd figure he would be with you."

Richie sighed, letting himself believe her words. He glanced up at Sonia one last time, searching her face. She stared back, her grip on the doorway tightening. "Goodbye, Tozier," she said before slamming the door on his face. Richie tsk'ed and turned away, going down the steps and away from Eddie.

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