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Stan's eyebrows raised as he stared at Bill. "You remember?" His voice a mixture of happiness and surprise. Bill's head jumped into a nod as he balled up a fist on the counter table. "Of course I fucking remember! Mike said I wo-would when I come back! And on top of th-that my f.. fucking stutter is back, too!" He pounded a fist on the counter, making Stan's eyes dart to it as he continued on.

"I remember Geo.. Georgie in the sewers and- and I remember puh-putting a g.. gun to my little b-brothers head, Stan. I put a gun to my brothers head!" Anger and frustration swirled around inside Bill, creating a nasty storm. His chin quivered and that's when he realized he was crying. He quickly wiped away the tears with his sleeve but Stan had already seen them. "I remember the..."

"The clown?"

His eyes flickered up to Stan, the boy blurred by the tears. He nodded and quickly blinked the tears back. Stanley didn't miss a beat and pulled Bill into a hug, the two melting into the others arms. "You did not kill Georgie," Stanley said, "That was Pennywise, remember? We both saw him turn back." Bill buried his nose into Stan's shoulder, fighting back the sob that waited in his chest.

Stan hugged him harder, trying his absolute best to comfort his friend. "It's okay to cry," he said, resting his chin on Bill's shoulder. "You haven't had a chance to heal, Bill, because you left and forgot." The sob forced its way up and the tears resurfaced again.

"I don't know w-why I came back," he confessed. Stanley blinked in confusion and pulled back, his hands still on Bill's arms. "What?" He asked and Bill breathed in shakily and looked away. "If all I-I'm going to remember are the b..bad parts, then why come at all?" He asked, his eyes flickering back up. Stan's eyes searched Bill's face for a second as he thought.

"Not all were bad memories, right?"

Bill opened his mouth to respond, but the click of the door opening cut him off. The wood scraped against Stanley's back, making him jump forward. "Ow! What the hell?" He asked as he turned around. "Fuck, I'm sorry," Beverly said, an apologetic smile on her face. "The others sent me here to see if you guys got sucked down the sink drain."

Bill pushed out a laugh and Stanley shook his head, a hand twisting around to rub his back. "We're fine. We were just talking." She raised an eyebrow at them and slowly nodded, a hand sliding off the doorknob. "Alright you two.." she said before turning back to the kitchen.

Stan looked back at Bill, watching as he fixed himself up in the mirror. "Does it look like I just s..sobbed into my friends sh-shoulder?" He asked and Stanley snorted softly. "Yes. Now come on, let's go."

Richie tipped back the chip bag and let the rest of the crumbs fall into his mouth. "You got some in your hair, idiot," Eddie said and reached over, shaking the crumbs out of Richie's hair. He smiled and let Eddie brush the crumbs off as Stanley and Bill came walking in. "Glad you two could finally join us again," Richie said as they slid back into their chairs.

"W-what were you all t-talking about?" Bill asked as he scooted his chair back in. "Just how Beverly and Richie are leaving for college next Wednesday," Ben replied. He stood behind the kitchen counter, throwing away the empty sodas and chip bag. "You're leaving too? A-are you guys going to the suh-same college?" Bill tried to ignore how his tongue didn't want to work with him, forcing him to start over mid-word. He knew his friends didn't mind, but it bothered him that after years of not having his stutter, returning to a simple town brought it back.

"Hell yeah," Beverly said, interrupting his thoughts. "Ready to get shit-faces again, Rich?" He smiled as he stood up, crumbling up the aluminum bag. "Fuck yeah I am, Bevvy." Eddie tilted his head back and watched as Richie walked to Ben. "Don't forget the pizza rolls," he reminded. Richie laughed and turned around to lean against the counter. "I'll just call you, Eds. You love me enough to bring me pizza rolls."

"You say that with so much certainty."

Richie frowned as a few laughed out. "I'll bring you your stupid pizza rolls," Eddie reassured. "Yeah.. too bad Bill and I won't be there to say goodbye," Mike said, his happy expression falling. Bill raised an eyebrow and looked over at him. "We won't?" He asked and Mike nodded. "We're leaving tomorrow morning."

A sad silence fell over the kitchen. Before it could shift into an awkward atmosphere, Ben spoke up. "It feels like you just got here," he said. The others nodded, agreeing. "Yeah.. and you won't forget us again, right, Bill?" Beverly asked. He met her eyes and his half smile appeared on his face. "For the s..second time? I-I don't think so."


Mike and Bill left early Sunday morning. The sky streaked with pastels, clouds floating down towards the rising sun as they drove off. Bill stared out the window, watching as Richie's house disappeared in the rear view mirror.

"You'll see them again," Mike said softly, glancing over at him. Bill sighed and shifted in his seat, his head resting back. "I know, Mikey. It's just.. hard to say goodbye f..for the second time." Mike paused before speaking, taking that second to switch lanes. "It's always hard to say goodbye. At least this time," he said and met Bill's eyes. "We won't forget."

He couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, yeah," he said as he nodded. "You got their numbers, right?" Mike tapped a black journal stuffed between the center consol and his seat. "I have everything right here." Bill stared at it, relief flooding his system. He refuses to forget again. He's already lost four years of friendship to Derry, now that he's leaving forever, he refuses to lose anymore. He can't lose more.


Richie pushed the last of his bags into the trunk of his car. He stepped back and looked over at his friends as Beverly pulled down the trunk door. "Wow, déjà vu, anyone?" He asked as he stepped up onto the curb. Only five Loser's and one mother crowded at the end of the driveway. "You're missing the sold sign," Ben pointed out, a hand flying back to motion to the yard.

Eddie crossed his arms and looked away, avoiding Richie's eyes. He noticed this, a sad smile sliding onto his face. "Oh come on, Eds. You cannot cry on me!" He said and Eddie looked up at him, tears glimmering in the morning light. "And why's that, asshole?"

"Because then I'd cry!"

Eddie pushed out a watery laugh before holding out his arms expectingly. Richie grinned and pulled the boy into a tight hug, ignoring the emotions threatening to rise in his own chest.

As the two hugged, enjoying the other's presence, Beverly pulled Ben into a tight hug. Stan bounced on his toes, looking at his friends. "Hello, Maggie," he said. She laughed softly and gave him a little wave. "Hi, Stan."

Beverly laughed and grabbed Stan's arm, making him join their hug. Eddie took notice and grabbed Richie's hoodie and tugged him over. Beverly and Ben made room for the three.

"We're all going to see each other next weekend," Ben said as he breathed in. "It's going to be okay." Stanley shrugged and leaned his head on Beverly's shoulder. "That doesn't make goodbyes any less hard," he said softly. "This isn't goodbye," Eddie said, his head turning to look at Richie. "It's a see you later, alligator."

Richie smile and moved to kiss Eddie's cheek. "In a while, crocodile."

~ the end ~

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