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Before the two boys knew it, three o'clock rolled around. When a pause came up in their conversation, Eddie's stomach took that chance to growl loudly. Richie snorted softly, raising an eyebrow as Eddie refused to make eye contact, embarrassed to no end. "If you're hungry you could've just said so," Richie said, placing his chin in his hand and leaning forward. Eddie shook his head, still not looking at him. "I'm not even that hungry." Another growl sounded. "You were saying?" Richie asked, a smile playing at his lips.

"Be quiet," Eddie forced out as he clamped an arm around his torso. "Why don't you tell your stomach that?" He glanced down and tightened the grip he had on his stomach, trying to silence the growls. "There's a diner right near the exit of town. We can go there if you want," Richie suggested and Eddie looked away as he thought. He hated restaurants, the grease-covered food and tables, the reused silverware and plates.. His eyes flickered up to Richie's. "Do you wanna go?" He asked and Richie nodded. "Yeah! I've been craving fries for days now." Eddie sighed and nodded, sliding off the bed. "Then lets go."

On their walk to the diner, Eddie persuaded Richie to let them stop by his house to grab his bike. Richie first refused, not wanting Eddie anywhere near Sonia but after he refused to walk everywhere, Richie gave in. The trip was quick, Eddie didn't waste a second opening the garage door and pulling out his bike. As Richie waited, it took everything in him to stay still and not go running up those porch stairs and yell at Sonia. Eddie didn't even bother to close the door before he and Richie sped down the street, not looking back.

They got to the diner and parked their bikes in a bike rack. Richie opened the glass door, letting Eddie walk through first. The two sat at a corner booth, away from the group of adults sitting at the bar. Eddie spotted soda and food stains that marked the fabric of the seats and made a disgusted face. He took a napkin and wiped down the table before sitting.

Soon enough, a waitress came to their table, a notepad and pen in hand. "Hello there. Something I can get you boys?" She asked, glancing down at them. Richie ordered first, asking for a hamburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake. She jotted it down and turned to Eddie. He breathed in sharply, starting to panic for being put on the spot and stared down at his menu. "Yeah, hi, could- could I get what he had but with water instead?" He asked before quickly adding a "please?" She nodded and walked away, saying she'd be back in a few.

Richie smiled at him. "You're adorable when you're flustered," he said. Eddie felt himself stop breathing, but quickly shook his head. "And you're a dork," he shot back. "Not as much as you, Eds."

There was that nickname again. The urge to tell Richie to stop using it fell on Eddie, but another thought popped into his head. "Hey Rich?" He said and Richie's eyes flickered over to him. "Yeah?" Eddie leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, something he'd never done because his mother taught him it was "rude" and that he should "have some manners".

"I was thinking," he started, "Since you have a nickname for me, I should have a nickname for you." Richie chuckled and leaned back into the booth. "Why not Rich?" He asked. "Because everyone already calls you that-"

"And you want something for just the two of us," Richie interrupted, smiling. "How cute."

He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "No!.. I just want something to torment you with, too." Richie looked at Eddie, cocking his head to the side. "I don't torment you," he said, "Eds is an endearing nickname. It'll grow on you, I promise." Eddie rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "You've been calling me that for over a year now. I'm still waiting." Richie laughed and said he'll give him that one.

"Anyway," he continued, "we only do Richard for when we're mad at you." Richie snorted, an arm falling onto the table. Eddie breathed in deeply and set his chin in his palm, staring out the diner window. "Richie.." he said slowly. "You know, nicknames are supposed to be different than the actual name."

"How about you shut up, dickwad."

Richie silently surrendered and left Eddie to think. After a moment of racking his brain, his face lit up with an idea. "Oh! What about Chee?" He asked, an excited smile sliding onto his face. "Get it? Richee!"

He felt himself stop breathing for a split second as he watched Eddie get more excited over the newfound nickname. "Do you like it?" Eddie asked him. He blinked, snapping himself out of the daze. "Do you want me to like it or hate it so you can," he threw up air quotes, "'torment me'." Eddie was too excited about the nickname to care about the mocking. "You better like it," he said. Richie couldn't help but smile. "I love it."


"Hell yes," Richie said, rubbing his hands together as the waitress brought their food out. "There you boys go," she said as she slid the plates in front of them. "Thank you," Eddie said quickly before she walked away. "Give me your straw," Richie said, holding out a hand. Eddie didn't think of it and passed it to him. He focused on his food, grabbing the ketchup from the napkin tray, not noticing as Richie brought the straw to his lips. He blew out hard, the half ripped straw wrapper flying out and hitting Eddie on the cheek.

Richie burst out laughing, bringing a hand up to his mouth. Eddie paused and glared at him from across the table. "Really? What are you, five?" He asked as he grabbed the paper wrapper. "Yeah. Five whole heads taller than you!" Eddie balled up the wrapper and threw it in Richie's direction, watching as it hit him on the forehead, only making him laugh harder. "Fuck off, Richie," he said, forcing down a smile.

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