- 40 -

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holy moly this thing is at 40 chapters

that's crazy

Something was wrong, Richie could feel it burning in his bones. He decided to head to Bill's house, he'd know what to do. Richie steered his bike down the slope of the driveway and rode out into the street. He casted one more glance to Eddie's window, watching as the ceiling fan spun around. Something in the summer breeze whispered to him, telling him not to leave. He pushed out a quick breath and peddled down the street, knowing he had to leave if he wanted Eddie back. And he needed Eddie back.

The ride was quick, Bill's house coming up in the distance. His hair pushed against his forehead as he sped down the street, heart pounding from the exercise and worry. He left the bike in the front lawn and ran up the steps, rapidly knocking on the door.

Bill answered a moment later, wrinkled t-shirt over pajama pants. "Richie? It's t-ten in the m...morning," Bill said as he squinted at the morning light. Richie didn't listen and instead pushed past him inside. "Bill, you're smart. You gotta help me with this," he said and Bill rolled his eyes, closing the front door. "What is it th-this time, Richie?" Richie breathed in steadily and looked at his friend.

"What if I told you," he started out slowly, "that Eddie got kicked out of his house and started to live with me but when I woke up this morning I found a note saying he went back?" Richie asked all in one breath. Bill's eyes narrowed, worry for his friend rising in his throat. "Eddie got kicked out? W-why?" Richie's shoulders jumped into a shrug. "That's unimportant, Bill. We need to get-"

Bill shook his head, cutting Richie off. "That sounds pretty fuck-fucking important, Richie."

His gaze darted down to his feet. Now was not the time to be worrying about himself and his secret, Eddie's in trouble. "Bill," he said sternly, "We do
not have time for this. Let's get the others." Bill stared at Richie for a second more before rushing up the stairs to change.


Six of the seven cruised down the street towards Eddie's. "How do you even know he's there?" Ben asked, steering his bike up to Richie's. "You didn't see him."

"I know he's there," Richie said, not bothering to look at him. "I can feel it."

Ben studied Richie for a second before having to focus back on the street. The summer sun beat down on them but the wind blowing through their hair made it bearable.

Stan and Beverly biked behind the group in silence. "They're so stupidly in love," Beverly said as she watched Richie peddle ahead of the group. "Maybe just cut it off at stupid," Stan said and she laughed softly. The two biked in a comfortable silence for a while before Stan spoke up. "Do you think Eddie's in any actual danger?" He asked slowly, glancing over at Beverly. She met his eyes, only for a second before glancing back at the street. "I've had my share of bad parents, Stan. I won't put anything past Ms. K." He swallowed, fear for his friend rooting in his guts as Eddie's street came into view.

The teenagers dumped their bikes on the lawn, Stan's upright. Bill told them of the plan he came up with on the way there, that they would go up to the door, asking Sonia if she's seen Eddie or Richie while the latter goes to the backdoor to get inside.

The group nodded and ran to their positions. Richie casted one more glance to Eddie's window before rounding the house, watching out for overgrown weeds.

Beverly knocked on the door, nerves jittering around. She breathed in deeply, knowing she was safe with her friends. She didn't know exactly why facing Eddie's mom unnerved her so much, maybe because of last summer when Sonia accused Beverly of the rumors surrounding her? Who knows what else she could say to Beverly..

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