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The two walked strait to Bill's room, not minding the clutter of the desk as they opened his window. "Ladies first," Richie said with a slight bow. Beverly rolled her eyes and climbed out. Richie's hands scraped on the shingles as they crawled to the roof of Bill's window. It was nice out, the sun was beginning to fall and warmth still hung in the air. "I think this is the highest I've been on a roof," Richie said, gripping the edge of the roof before it sloped down to the backyard. Beverly glanced down to the ground. "Me too."

They got settled and Beverly pulled out her lighter as Richie grabbed two cigarettes. She pulled hers from Richie's hand and lit it. The summer breeze of the evening threatened to blow out the flame, the soft yellow fire dancing. "First things first," Beverly said as she slipped the lighter to Richie. "You and Eddie."

Richie's grip on the lighter tightened. "What do you mean?" He asked, playing the same game as he did with Eddie when he first tried to talk to Richie about it. She sighed and pushed back a loop of her curly hair. "Richie, you know what I'm talking about." He swallowed thickly and watched as the smoke of his cigarette curled into the air. "You promised." Silence lingered in the air for a second longer before Richie opened his mouth to speak. "Alright," he pushed out. "I'll tell you."

An accomplished smile spread over her face. Richie closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, anxiety building up in his chest. "But you have to promise not to tell anyone about this," Richie said, staring at her. She quickly nodded. "I promise." He nodded to himself and looked out into the street, gathering up the courage. "I.." he trailed off, his thumb running up and down the cigarette.

"I like Eddie."

Beverly paused, her gaze fixated on him. He breathed out steadily and forced his eyes over to hers. "Oh," she whispered. Richie shifted, tucking a foot under his bent leg. "Yeah. And when I first told him, I scared him. That's when he went over to Bill's," Richie explained. He stared out at the falling sun, the sky expanding into pastel colors. "You guys are okay now though," Beverly said and he nodded. "Yeah, we are." He smiled to himself and bowed his head.

"Are the two of you dating?" Richie paused. His mind flashed to Eddie and how he didn't want anyone to know. But this was Richie's secret, too. "He doesn't want anyone to know," Richie said, meeting her eyes. "But yeah, we're dating."

A grin spread over her face. "That's too cute," she said and Richie breathed out a laugh. "He's the cute one." Beverly laughed and raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh?" She asked and Richie's smile fell. "Fuck off, Bev. Don't make me fucking regret telling you this," he said and nudged her leg with his foot.

They fell silent, their laugher fizzling out. Richie finally took a drag of his cigarette, slowly letting the smoke fall from his lips. "Can I ask you a question? It's not about Eds," Richie asked. Beverly picked up the hand she was leaning on, inspecting the lines of the shingles imprinted in her palm. "Sure," she said.

"Why do you smoke?" Richie asked, flicking his cigarette. She ran her hand up and down her leg as she thought. "Anxiety," she responded and looked up at the sky, "To forget my fears." Richie studied her face before looking away. "Well, what do you fear? Last summer?" He asked and Beverly breathed out a laugh, smoke pushing past her lips. "No. Well.." she trailed off and tilted her head as she thought. "Sometimes. But not much now." She and Richie met eyes, looking at each other before Richie broke away. "What is it now? Or is it like, confidential or some shit?" Beverly snorted softly and shook her head. She shifted and looked out to the street, her smile falling and her eyes becoming misty.

"Have you ever felt someone slowly distancing themselves from you?"

The question caught Richie off guard. He stared at her as she shakily breathed out, her eyes flickering up to his. "Is this directed towards someone?" He asked. Beverly swallowed thickly and shrugged. "Possibly." Richie studied the yellow light of the streetlamps as he racked his brain.

"Is it.. Bill?" He watched as Beverly seemed to stop breathing for a second. She quickly placed her cigarette to her lips. "Possibly," she said. "What's he doing?" Richie asked and Beverly threw a hand in the air and sighed. "He's not doing anything, and that's the thing! We hang out and talk but through all of it he just seems so," her hand fell to her lap. "distant."

Richie thought it over for a second, taking a drag of his cigarette. "Want me to fight him for you? I did it once, I can do it again." Beverly laughed and shook her head. "Thanks, Rich, but that's not necessary." He shrugged and placed the cigarette to his lips. "Just a suggestion." A small smile lingered on her face and she looked up to the sky. "Wait, is that why you've been hanging out with Ben?" Richie asked. Her gaze never left the now deep purple sky. "Yeah. I thought it would be better if I distract myself but.." she breathed out, groaned, and pushed her face into her knees. "It's all so confusing."

Richie snorted and scooted closer, wrapping and arm around her and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Confusion and I are the best of fucking friends," Richie said, mockery lacing his tone. Beverly smiled and straightened her back, Richie lifting his head. "What do you think I should do?"

Richie breathed in deeply as he thought. "Forget him. I mean, Billiam is my friend but if he's hurting you, then I'm not afraid to stand up for you," he said. Beverly gently placed her chin against her knee, staying quiet. "Just, do what you're doing right now. Hang out with Haystack. Maybe it'll make him jealous or some shit." Beverly smiled and glanced over at Richie. "Thanks, Rich," she said. He leaned over and hugged her, making sure he didn't accidentally burn her with his cigarette. "Anytime Bevvy."

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