Chapter 62 - our home

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When we arrive home, Shay, Lane, and Easton are already over and dad is home as well. I'm so excited to tell them all the news, I just hope dad takes it as well as Mom did after all I am his baby girl and now his baby girl who is still young and is having a baby of her own.

Mom enters the house first. "Honey I'm home." She sings out happily.

"You're home early." Dad grins as he stands up from the table

"That's because I have a surprise for you." She steps back revealing me standing there with Zay.

"Charlie!" Dad smiles as he walks over quickly and wraps his arms around me. "Sweetheart, what are you doing back?"

I snuggle in close, returning his hug before pulling back with a smile. "I'm back for good."

"You are?" He asks with a confused look on his face "But I thought you liked it."

"I do, well I did." I grin. "I have something to tell, just come and sit down."

I make my way into the kitchen and give Lane a hug. "Hey Loser." I mess up his hair

"Hey pain in my ass." He rebuts with a grin.

I look over at Easton who is sitting up on Shays lap looking at me. I've only been gone three months but in three months a lot can change for a baby, clearly.

"He's so big." I laugh as I pick him up and give him a cuddle "Hey bubba, you remember me, right?"

He snuggles into me making my heart melt.

"So, what do you need to tell us?" Dad questions from his seat at the table.

"Well." I smile as I rub Easton's back. "I'm glad you're sitting down because, I'm pregnant." I announce.

"What?" Shay gasps "Oh my god." She jumps up and gives me a side hug. "Oh my god YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" she giggles and makes her way over to Zay giving him a hug "Good work baby daddy, I'm proud." she giggles some more.

Lane stands up and kisses my cheek as I'm still holding Easton "Congratulations sis," He too then shakes Zay's hand "Congratulations man."

"Dad?" I question looking down at him.

"For fuck sake." He sighs "What part of no more Raven babies in this house didn't you two understand?"

"Well technically the baby is a Cameron, not a Raven." I suggest with a hopeful grin

"And we won't be living here, so the baby won't be under your roof." Zay adds

Rolling his eyes, he finally laughs "Alright, whatever, congratulations."

"Chet." Mom slaps him on the back of the head.

"Ouch." He rubs the back of his head "What the hell woman?"

"Get up and give your daughter and son in law a hug and tell them you're happy for them."

Dad stands from the table and makes his way over. "I'm very happy that you got my nineteen-year-old daughter pregnant." He tells Zay with a serious look on his face

"Dad." I frown. I definitely wasn't expecting this to be his reaction.

"Would you lighten up, I'm joking." He laughs and pulls us both in for a hug "I am happy for you." He pulls back "You better finish that house boy; I mean it no babies in this house unless they're visiting." He makes his way back over to mom wrapping his arm around her

"When did you turn into such a cranky old man?" Mom rolls her eyes.

"I'm not cranky, I just like to give crying children back at the end of the day."

"They're your grandchildren." She huffs

"Yes, and I love them, especially when they grow out of the crying for no reason phase."

"You say all of this, yet you're the biggest push over I've ever met when it comes to your children and grand babies."

"What house?" I ask as I turn to Zay

"Alright." He takes a deep breath and takes my hand "Come." He says as we begin walking outside. "When you moved out, I moved in."

"I saw that." I smile raising a brow at him

"And I moved in so that I could save all of my rent money and put it into something that we'll have forever." He grins "While you've been away, I've been working with your dad on a house for us." He walks me down the back steps. "Your parents offered me to build here on the property, it's big enough so I figured why not?"

"Wait so, we're moving into our own place?"

"Yes." He nods as we continue to walk

"As I said, it's still part of your parent's property, but it'll be ours."

We continue walking for a few more minutes and stop once we come to a cement slab on the ground with the startings of a house frame.

"This is what it'll look like when it's done." He pulls out his phone and shows me an image

"Zay, it's so beautiful."

"And it's ours." he smiles "Yours, Mine and the babies." He places his hand on my stomach that isn't even there yet.

"I love you." I smile at him

"I love you, both of you." He grins referring to the baby as well.

I look back at my family home in the distance and smile a little winder this is so perfect. I'll still be living on the same property I have lived on for the last nineteen years of my life only now I'll be living in my own house, with my own husband and my own children. Feeling the tears well up in my eyes I close them from a moment trying to stop them from falling, but once they open the tears fall.

"Do you not want to live here?" Zay questions worry filling his eyes

"I want to live here." I nod "I'm just happy, you make me so happy." I take a breath "I just never saw any of this for me, I thought every guy I'd ever meet was going to be like Tyler, I thought I was weak and not worthy of love like my mother and father have but I was wrong, and I just, I love you so much." I begin to cry.

"Oh Princess." He laughs and pulls me into his arms once more. "Believe me I never saw any of this for my life either, but clearly there was a bigger plan for the both of us." He kisses the top of my head. "I can't wait for us to start our lives together officially."

"Me either." I smile as I wipe my tears away

"Let's just get married"

"We are getting married silly."

"No, I mean let's just do it next weekend."

"Next weekend?" I ask shocked "How would we pull that off?"

"We just will." He shrugs

"What do you say?"

"Okay." I grin

"Let's get back to the house and start planning then."


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