Chapter 34 - Home

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It's been three weeks since Zay first came into the hospital, and for the last 3 weeks the only time I have left his side is to go home and shower and change my clothing but after that I come right back.

During the time it takes me to get home, shower, and arrive back it's usually about an hour and a half but it's good because it gives Zay and Frankie a chance to talk.

When Zay first discovered Frankie was here he was annoyed, he said he didn't want him here and that he was only here out of guilt but he understood why Mom had to call him.

I arrive back at the hospital and make my way down to Zay's room. Dr Hale and Frankie are the front of the room talking.

"Hey." I smile softly "is everything okay?"

"Charlie, you're back." Dr Hale smiles in return. "Yes, everything is fine, great even. I was just discussing with Frankie that Zayd's condition is improving and he should be fine to go home in the next couple of days."

"Well that's great!" I say happily.

"There is of course the fact his ribs are still broken, so he will need to be taken care of."

"We were just discussing where it might be best for him to be taken care of." Frankie adds.

"Oh." I say softly. "You're thinking of taking him back to East Cliff aren't you?" I say sadly.

"No, not at all." Frankie shakes his head. "The best place for him is here, and he wouldn't want to be away from you." He laughs softly.

"We should discuss it with Zay, we can give him all his options and then he can decide for himself." I smile.

"I think that's the best option." Dr Hale smiles back. "Anyway, my shift is over but if you need anything, call me on my mobile and I'll come right back."

"I'll see you tonight." Frankie smiles

"See you tonight," she blushes with a smile back before leaving.

"Tonight?" I ask with a smirk as I push the door open to Zay's room.

"Yes tonight, Sara and I are going out for dinner." He says with sheepish grin.

"First name basis huh?" I tease.

"You did not ask my Doctor out." Zay laughs.

"Well I sort of did." Frankie shrugs, getting all shy.

"I can't take you anywhere." Zay shakes his head with a laugh.

"What? it was that or steal Charlie from you, but she's a little young" he jokes

"That and the fact she's in love with me already, but you could try old man, you could try." He jokes back.

Things have gotten better between Zay and Frankie, I guess with Zay laying in a hospital bed he didn't have much of a choice but to talk to his dad. Really, it's been good for the both of them, they seem to have been able move past things and start again.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask as I press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Good Princess, keen to get out of here." He laughs.

"About that." I grin "Dr Hale says you can go home in a couple of days."

"Really?" He asks excitedly

"Yes," Frankie nods "but we're going to need to discuss where home is until you're better."

"I'm not going back to East Cliff so you forget that." He huffs

"Nor am I." Frankie laughs.

"You're moving back here?" Zay asks confused.

"I'm moving back." He nods "It'll take me a little while to get everything in order and I'll have to find work, but I think home is here."

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