Chapter 15 - Apart

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Zayd's POV:

I feel like an asshole and maybe I am, but the truth is I can't sit by and watch Charlie defend some asshole who puts his hands on her. It was bad enough when they were together, but even now she refuses to tell her parents the truth and I just don't understand why.

Tyler is a dick, he doesn't deserve protecting, he deserves to have his face smashed in and as much as I want to do it, I can't, because if I did that would only land me in jail. One wrong move and I'm done, they've already got me on drugs and an attempted robbery I had nothing to do with I might add, if I was to beat the head police officer's son's face in, I'd surly be done.

"Good morning Zay." Amity smiles as she makes her way into the work shop.

"Morning." I mumble keeping my eyes focused on the page in front of me.

"You're as cheerful as Charlie this morning, everything okay?"

"Yep, perfect." I nod and stand up from the desk. "I'll get started on the cars." I walk away.

I know talking about how you're feelings is good for you, but the last person in the world I can talk to right now is Amity, not only is she my boss, she's also Charlies mother and I don't think she'd appreciate hearing about Charlie and I's word exchange yesterday, nor would I be able to tell her any of the details.

"Trouble in paradise?" I hear Austin ask Amity.

"I hope not, I was shipping them." She shrugs her shoulders with a little laugh.

Charlies' POV:

I've spent the entire day mopping around the house for something that's my own fault. I miss Zay already, but I understand why he said what he did. He's right, I am messed up and I come with a lot of baggage. Maybe he's right maybe I have been protecting Tyler without even realizing it.

"What's wrong with you today?" Lane asks as he joins me at the couch.

"Nothing, what's wrong with you?" I snap.

"Jeez." He backs away slowly with his hands raised. "No need to bite my head off woman." He laughs

"I'm not in the mood for your shit Lane." I roll my eyes.

"What happened to your face?" He asks tilting his head slightly as he looks at my split lip.

"Nothing, I fell." I lie right to his face.

"You fell?" He questions with a disbelieving tone.

"Yes, Lane I fell." I snap and stand up "God would you just back off."

"Charlie." He grabs my arm "Did Zayd hit you?" He questions.

"Zayd?" I ask in disbelieve. "You think Zayd would hurt me?"

"You tell me Charlie you have a split lip and you're sitting around like you lost your best friend."

"I did lose my best friend if you must know everything, but he didn't put his hands on me."

"Then who did? Because you didn't fall." He presses on.

"Lane, don't you have something better to do with your time?"

"Alright fine, don't tell me I might go and pay Zay a visit."

"You will not." I snap.

"Then sit the hell down and start talking."

"Can we at least wait until Mom and Dad get home?" I huff

"That serious huh?"

I shrug my shoulders not saying another word.

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