Chapter 52 - New York

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Today is the day, I'm officially moving to New York City and as excited as I am to see the place, I'm also feeling extremely emotional, I don't want to leave my family behind and I sure as hell don't want to leave my fiancé behind either, but this is what's right for me and I have to take the chance.

Zay, Mom and Dad are all flying over with me and are staying with Avery and Ezra while I settle into my new life, they want to make sure I don't run into any trouble when I first arrive, and secretary I think they're praying I hate it so they can take me home again.

I've never been on a plane before so I'm glad I'll have Zay by my side on my first ever flight, he hasn't flown before either so it's something well experience together for the first time.

We arrive at the airport and I jump out of the car, everyone following. "I'm going to miss you so much." I throw my arms around my brother

"I'll miss you too, you dork." He laughs as he returns the hug.

I turn to shay and throw my arms around her. "Look after my boys." I tell her referring to Lane and Easton.

"I will, I promise." She holds me close.

Once I move back from the hug I crawl into the back seat and kiss Easton's head. "I'll miss you the most, but don't tell anyone." I whisper to him. "Be good, and look after uncle Zay when he comes home." I kiss his head again.

I watch as Mom, Dad and Zay say their goodbyes and we enter the airport, Zay and I interlocking our fingers as we walk.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, but I think that's because you're still with me, once you leave it'll be a different story, I'm sure."

Our flight was on time and our flight time was four hours fifty-three minutes. I wasn't a huge fan of the taking off part, but once we were up in the air, I was fine.

Because it was a night flight, the lights in the plane were turned off for our comfort and the seatbelt sign is turned off once we reach the required height. I look over at Mom and dad who are in the two-seater across from us (business class) and smile as Mom snuggles in close to dad, and he wraps his arms around her, stroking her hair as she closes her eyes.

I turn to Zay who is watching a movie with his headphones in and kiss his cheek quickly, before snuggling up to his side. He removes his headphone and kisses the top of my head. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." I nod "just cold."

He reaches down to his backpack and pulls out a blanket wrapping it around the both of us. "I read online that planes are always cold." He laughs softly.

Why is he so cute....

I pull the blanket over my head, so I'm hidden and I pull Zay's face down to mine kissing his lips softly. Placing his hand on my cheek he deepens the kiss sliding his tongue into my mouth and I'm only too happy to oblige as I move my tongue against his softly.

I have no shame in kissing my man in public but I thought the plane might not be the best place to show our affection, after all, Mom and dad were across from us and there were people in front of us as well, I don't want to be that couple.

Pulling back from our kiss I bite his bottom lip. "I can't wait to get off this plane."

"Fuck Charlie don't do that." He groans softly as he pulls back from me.

The plane trip seemed rather quick. I watched a movie, listened to some music, ate some snacks, and shared a few more sneaky kisses with my Zay and before I knew it we had landed.

Mom slept in dads arms most of the way, she doesn't like flying but dad seems to have some kind of calming effect on her, maybe it's the way he makes her feel safe, maybe it's the way he lets her know he's there with his loving actions, either way, they always help each other through everything, big or small.

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