10 Harry's Ending

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"(Y/n), come on!"

"(Y/n), we have to go, please!"

I looked back at Carlos, then back over to Harry I sighed in frustration 'Damn it.' Looking over to Carlos I gave him a sympathetic look I mumbled"I'm sorry..." jumping back onto the plat form I was quick to take my sword out and break the ropes that held it together.

Carlos looked like he was gonna cry as Evie had to drag him away, Mal stood there, a couple of pirates suddenly grabbed me, i didn't bother trying to get out of there grasp. Uma stood in front of the fallen bridge next to a wet Harry.

The two of them glared at Mal, She sent them a glare back as she left. Uma practically had steam coming out of her ears as she asked"What's my name?" No one responded so she asked again"What's my name?" She now looked over at Harry and hit him while yelling"Whats my name?!" Still no one responded as Harry held his glare at the tube on the other side of the fallen bridge.

"Say it now...!!"

Uma turned around and sent me a glare, she was pissed, she marched over to me sending a punch to my right cheek. My face moved to the left from the force of the punch, as my cheek surged with pain, I just chuckled in response.

"You'll never get them now, shrimpy" she glared at me while clenching her teeth, I looked passed her to Harry, only to see him sending me a slight glare. Uma was quick to send a punch to my stomach, causing me to groan in pain I went to move but the Pirates only tightened there grip on me. Uma nodded to the Pirates holding me while saying"Take her to the brig"

Next thing I know I'm stuck in a holding sell below deck, the only company there being was the bed. I sighed and laid back on the bed 'Well this is fun.' I thought 'Amazing choice, go with Carlos and live a happy life, or go to your ex and live your life just as miserable as you remembered. Nice choice (Y/n), very smart idea, you really aced this one chief.'

As I rolled my eyes in annoyance at my horrible choice, my thoughts were cut off by a voice. "Well, well, well, look who needs me help now eh?" I sat up, rolled my eyes and glared at him "I still don't need it, nor do I want it, pirate." He chuckled and shook his head while leaning against the bars, back turned to me"Okay, Fine. But answer me this, why did you come back?"

I raised a brow and stood up, slowly making my way to the bars"Because I wanted to save my friends." I held my glare, he was quick to turn around"Me and you both know that ya could've ran across that bridge and broke it when ya crossed." I went to speak when he cut me off"And dont bullshit me. Because I know you practically better than little Carlos out there."

I huffed in annoyance and walked back over to the bed, taking a seat on it. "So I'm gonna ask again...." I heard the jingling of keys and the sound of the cell door opening, causing me to whip my head over to him. Harry was now in the cell with me a serious look on his face as he walked closer and closer to me.

I suddenly felt nervous under his gaze, feeling my breath get caught in my throat as he leaned over in front of me, his hands on both sides of me, next to my thighs on the bed. He leaned over me, his face inches from mine, my gaze never leaving his as I felt a slight blush rush to my cheeks.

"Why. Did. You. Stay."

I could practically feel his breath on my lips, I didn't respond and just stared at him, he chuckled and stood back. His hook was hooked on a loop on his belt, he only ever took his hook off when he was being serious, he nodded his head towards the door while looking at me.

"The doors wide open, if you really want to leave then go, I won't stop ya. But if there's a reason ya stayed back here, please, (Y/n), stop messing around with me and straight up tell me for once!"

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