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I noticed Gil bump into Ben as he said "hey man! Hey!" With a smile on his face as me, Evie, Jay and Carlos ran up behind him"Hey, think I know you!" Ben shook his head a bit and responded with"uh, no, don't know you either man"

"Uh, Yeah you do, come on man, really?"

We all stood there silently as Gil continued "dude, I'll give you a hint, my dad is quick, slick and his neck" he pointed to his neck "is incredibly thick" we still stayed quiet

"Come on man I kno-"

He cut himself off as he pointed from the poster behind us to Ben, he did this two more times until he gasped"Your king Ben!"

Evie dragged him away as Ben replied"Uh, I-I don't think so!"

"Yeah, you totally are king Ben!" The three of us followed behind them "And your Jay, Carlos, Evie, (Y/n), hey guys!"

I mentally cursed at Gil for showing up 'he's going to go tell Uma, and we're going to be in a even bigger mess if she comes along' my hands turned into fists in anger, as we finally arrived at the hide out.


"That no good, rotten, princess. She thinks she can come back here and take her territory back without a fight?! Well, she's got another thing coming"

I stared at the food in front of me glaring at it in anger, my hook sat in front of me on the counter. My hands gripping the end of the counter as I responded.

"She won't be gettin' her turf, anytime soon, I can guarantee that"

Uma slammed her fists on the counter, leaned over it and was about to respond as I now looked up at her a glare plastered on my face. I was just as angry as her, maybe even more.

The doors to the Chip Shop swung open, stopping Uma from responding as our heads shot towards the door. Only to see a smiling Gil as he laughed a bit, walking over to the counter.

"You guys are never going to believe who I saw!"

Uma looked over at me, as I looked back at her, we both looked back at Gil as she answered boredly.

"Who was it Gil?"

"Well, you see, I was getting some food, when I ended up bumping into this guy and I was all like 'hey! I know you!' And he didn't-"

Gil got cut off by my hands slamming on the table standing up from my chair"Just get ta the point, before I make mine in a second" I glared daggers down at him, as he smiled nervously and chuckled.

"We-Well, I just saw king Ben, he was with Evie, Jay, Carlos, and (Y/n)"

I widened my eyes and slowly sat back down, as my fingers ran through my hair. Uma laughed as a grin spread across her face."I bet there here to get Mal back, well they have another thing coming."I noticed the look in her eyes like she was planning something.

"What are you planning?"

I asked with a brow raised, she just looked down at me and chuckled"You'll see"

"Now listen, I want you two to nab the king, and bring him back here. Tell Mal to meet me here, alone. Got it?" I nodded my head and got up, grabbing my hook, as Gil asked"Wait, so are we going to be here to or is it just gonna be you and Mal? Cause-" I cut him off by turning him around and pushed him forward to get him walking.

"They'd probably be at there hide out"

I said as Gil nodded"Right, uh, you know the way right?" I chuckled a bit and walked in front of him to lead the way.

'I know it like the back of my hand...'

'If (Y/n)s with them, I need to try to talk to her, explain things, if things don't go as planed, I could always nick her and the king. But I need to try to talk to her first, of course there's going to be dog boy there. Stupid mutt. Why i'd hook him in a fucking second if I could. If he gets in my way he's going to be sorry.'


"Listen Carlos, can we please talk about this?"

"Not now, (Y/n), I told you, I don't want to hear it"

We were waiting for Ben to come back down with Mal, as Jay and Evie sat off to the side, I pulled Carlos aside to talk to him, scratch that, to try to talk to him about earlier.

"Ya well I think you need to!"

I glared at him, I was angry, he didn't want to listen to me. He stood there silent for awhile as he looked off to the side, I scoffed a bit 'he can't even look me in the eyes...'

I opened my mouth to say something when we heard Ben coming back down the steps, Carlos was quick to walk over. I stood there for a second processing things, I slowly made my way over as Evie said"So?"

Once Ben was all the way down, we realized Mal wasn't with him"where's Mal?" Evie asked. Ben looked like he could break down at any second, as he answered with"She's not coming back" Ben stepped down and walked off as Evie said"What?" She then went over to the megaphone"M?"

I looked back at Ben only to see him walking further away"Guys...?" No one listened as Evie said"Mal it's Evie"


Still no response, I watched as Ben disappeared"oh for the love of-" I cut myself off when I started running after him"Ben!" I yelled only to be suddenly pulled aside as a cloth was held around my nose and mouth, I tried to get out of the persons hold but I started breathing in the stuff on the cloth by accident.

I started to grow sleepier by the second, the last thing I heard was an accent that I swear I've heard somewhere before, whisper in my ear.

"Sweet dreams, Tiger"

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