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I sat on my bed in anger, jealousy is something cruel, it kills you from the inside out, like an infection. A frustrated sigh left my lips as I laid back and turned to face the wall, I heard the door open, but I pretended to be asleep, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.


I'd know that voice anywhere, I stayed still, feeling the weight on the bed shift signaling that someone sat down the end of it. Dude was quick to hop on the bed, hoping over me, crawling under my arms to lay there.

I heard Carlos sigh "(Y/n), I know your not asleep." When I didn't respond Carlos got off the bed, I thought I was safe, that was until he pulled my legs, causing me to drag Dude with me, as my legs now dangled off the edge of the bed.

"Hey! What the hell?!"

He rolled his eyes "great, I finally have your attention" I raised a brow

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He ran a hand through his hair and stood in front of me with a scowl on his face "your always spending time with Kion lately! Whenever your with him you hardly respond to any of my messages!"

I suddenly stood up as my hands turned into fists "you have no right to be mad at him! We're just friends, I was talking to him about personal stuff!" He rolled his eyes"Oh please, and if it is that, why won't you just tell me? Instead of keeping stuff from me all the time!dont think that I haven't noticed you hiding stuff, I know when you lie (Y/n)!"

I gripped the end of my shirt in anger as i yelled at him "Because you won't understand! And what about you and Jane? Huh?!" He glared down at me"Jane has nothing to do with this! So don't bring her into it!" I scoffed and shook my head "so it's alright for you to bring my friends into this, but when I bring yours into this you think she has nothing to do with this?" I chuckled as he just stared at me waiting for me to continue "Carlos, I see the way you look at her! How you act around her! You get all nervous and start to stutter! And whenever she's around your attention is always on her!"

"(Y/n), I-"

"Carlos, I think we need a break..."

He stared at me wide eyed and muttered"Wh-What...?" I nodded my head and looked off to the side"Were both arguing and fighting, because were jealous, it's.... it's just not good"

"Ya, but (Y/n)-"

"I just need to go for a walk Carlos"

With that I walked off shutting the door gently behind me as I bit my lip.

'I know he loves her, probably more than he loves me..'


It's been over a year since I've seen (Y/n), i haven't been able to get her out of my head, I keep telling myself that I'm over her, but I'm not.

Uma doesn't know that, and I plan to keep it that way. The night she dumped me she said something about Uma but when I asked her about it, Uma just shrugged it off saying something along the lines of "She was probably just being jealous, and all over dramatic" waving her hand at me as if it was nothing.

'She's never been jealous before'

I tried to talk to her and explain but she'd always be with Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos, and when she isn't, and we get a chance to talk, Evie either pulled her away or she'd come up with an excuse to leave.

When I found out that she was leaving the isle, I felt my heart break even more.

'She's leaving me...for good..'

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