Pretty U

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(TRIGGER WARNING:   Sexual assualt and abuse)

The driver dropped them off a few blocks away from school and let them walk the rest of the way. Everyone clung to each other, laughing and joking with one another, their bright and lively demeanor starkly contrasting with Younghyun's slow descent into the shadows. As they walked through the gate, all the boys seemed to forget Younghyun was even behind them until their eyes flicked back to him, causing whispers to ripple through the group. Feeling the weight of their gazes, Younghyun felt an urgent need to escape. They veered in the opposite direction as they approached the stairs, but Mingyu's watchful eyes caught theirs before they could disappear completely. Their brief eye contact held a silent understanding before Younghyun continued on their way.

In his haste to class, Younghyun collided headfirst with a tall figure blocking his path. The person, Youngho, quickly reached out and pulled Younghyun up, asking if he was alright. With a nervous giggle and an apology for bumping into him.

Youngho's friendly gesture of dusting off Younghyun's shoulders and offering to walk him to class brought a small smile to Younghyun's face.

During their walk together, Youngho shared stories about his boyfriend Jaehyun and his job as a barista while eagerly detailing plans for an upcoming trip with Yuta. Despite feeling slightly overwhelmed by Youngho's enthusiastic chatter, Younghyun appreciated the distraction from the usual stares of their peers.

Upon reaching Younghyun's classroom, Youngho bid farewell after ruffling their hair affectionately. As Younghyun settled at his desk and opened his notebook, he delved into taking notes while tuning out the surrounding conversations that had become background noise. The sudden attention from others made him uneasy; not accustomed to such interactions.

Youngho knew YoungHyun due to Youngho's younger brother Jisung's intervention when some boys were bullying YoungHyun for reporting their misbehavior behind the school.

Jisung had sought Youngho's help after finding YoungHyun injured and unconscious in the bathroom. This incident led teachers to keep a closer eye on YoungHyun initially until eventually losing interest in intervening further amidst the school's prevalent culture of indifference towards such matters.

With lunchtime approaching and students flooding out of classrooms like zombies unleashed from captivity, YoungHyun remained focused on jotting down biology notes from earlier classes he didn't feel comfortable joining the other boys for lunch. A familiar pair of shiny brown leather shoes materialized in front of them – belonging to none other than their teacher who wore a disarming smile as he engaged with YoungHyun about his attentiveness that day.

The teacher's demeanor shifted unexpectedly as he caressed YoungHyun's face before leaning in for an unwelcome kiss that left YoungHyun startled and repulsed. Pushing away forcefully and standing up against this violation of trust, YoungHyun felt sickened by what transpired but also fearful at the teacher's ominous demand for a meeting after school in private quarters under threat if ignored.

As the daylight began to fade, Younghyun felt a sense of dread wash over him as he followed the predatory teacher towards a secluded part of the school where the teacher's biology lab was located. The room was dimly lit, with shelves laden with dusty jars of specimens and antique textbooks that seemed as though they had not seen a reader in years. The air was thick with the smell of decaying plants and forgotten dreams.

The teacher gestured towards an old wooden desk that had seen better days, and Younghyun could feel his stomach turn at the unspoken threat looming over them. As the seconds ticked away, the creaky floorboards seemed to echo with each beat of his racing heart. The teacher leaned in close, eyes gleaming with an intensity that sent shivers down Younghyun's spine. His voice was barely above a whisper as he offered a series of twisted promises and manipulative words, aimed at luring Younghyun into his dark web of deceit. The room felt like it was closing in on them, trapping them in a web of their own making.

The air grew heavy with the weight of the unsaid words, as the teacher's gaze lingered on Younghyun's lips, yearning to seize them in a final, explicit show of dominance. But Younghyun's mind was racing, his thoughts crystalizing into a sharp, unyielding resolve. He knew the consequences of resistance, but something inside him refused to back down.

With a trembling voice, he found the strength to utter two simple words: "No, I won't."

The room froze in that moment, as if time itself halted at his defiance. The teacher let out a low, humorless laugh, snapping back to reality. His eyes narrowed, and his gaze shifted to black as coal, devoid of any warmth or kindness.

Younghyun could see the storm brewing in the teacher's eyes, a storm he knew all too well from his past experiences. This man, whose name he couldn't even remember, held the power to make or break his life. He stood there, tall and imposing, a shadow cast upon the world around him.

As if reading his thoughts, the teacher's lips twisted into a cruel grin. "You think you can resist me? You are nothing but a pathetic little boy, Younghyun. Do you know what will happen if you don't follow my demands? Do you know the consequences of your actions?" The threat hung heavy in the air, a metaphorical noose tightening around Younghyun's neck. He could feel the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his heart pounding against his chest like a wild animal trying to escape.

"Do you want to be a failure, Younghyun?" the teacher asked, his voice low and menacing. "Do you want to ruin your life and the lives of your family?" Younghyun swallowed hard, feeling the bitter taste of fear in the back of his throat.

He had witnessed firsthand the devastation that could be wrought by this man, the way he destroyed lives and shattered dreams.

"I know the truth, Younghyun," the teacher continued, leaning in closer until his breath was hot on the boy's face. "I have my ways of finding out the truth, and I can make sure that everyone knows about your little secret." The room had become an embrace of shadows, swallowing the light that once danced upon the edges of the dusty shelves. The teacher, his eyes blazing with an intensity that seemed to consume everything in its path, charged at Younghyun.

As the world around them seemed to grow smaller and more constricted, Younghyun found himself backed up against the old wooden desk. The air was thick with the stench of fear and desperation, as if they were not merely two individuals in a confined space, but two warring forces locked in an eternal struggle.

The teacher's hand, clenched tight around Younghyun's wrist, felt as if it were a vice, crushing and slicing through his fragile skin with each passing second. The pain was a ferocious beast, tearing through his veins and sending jolts of electricity through his body. "Please let go" Younghyun pleaded as he tried pulling away from his teacher who just held tightly and found it funny that Younghyun was resisting. "Keep going, It won't change nothing" The teacher grabs Younghyuns waists and pins him against the wooden desk. Younghyun starts freely crying as his teacher violates his body, trailing his fingers up his uniform shirt. "Please...".

The teacher had Younghyun sprawled out on the wooden desk, his wrist bound with his necktie and his legs spread open. He felt disgusting, violated and overall, like a sack of shit "You look so beautiful like this Younghyun". The teacher licked his lips whilst he lined himself up against Younghyun and started grinding and getting caught on his entrance. "No!..Please no! Stop" Younghyun tried pushing the man away as the felt discomfort by his actions, but he got no clarity as the teacher slapped him across the face and held his hips down forcefully before just shoving himself inside. "Shut the fuck up and take it!".

Younghyun was bawling by the end of it. His uniform was tattered, his chest was bruised and blooded . The teacher pulled up his pants and fixed himself and even smiled in his reflection "Make sure to keep coming to school Younghyun...or else I might just meet you at your house" the teacher smiled at Younghyun as he caressed his face and down his body before wailing on Younghyun again. He punched him in the chest, then pinched across his stomach, slapped him across the face before moving down and roughly toying with his nether regions before ultimately digging his nails into Younghyun thighs drawing blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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