Adore You

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Lunchtime came in a whirlwind of hungry chattering voices and clattering trays. Young-Hyun found himself sitting alone at a corner table, his gaze fixed on his untouched lunch. The cafeteria was abuzz with activity as students filled the room, their laughter and animated conversations filling every corner.

Suddenly, the entrance doors swung open, and in walked five boys whose presence seemed to command attention. It was the same group of boys who had helped Young-Hyun earlier that morning, their names etched into his memory like precious gems. As they strolled confidently toward the cafeteria, their fans trailed behind them like a flock of adoring birds.

The moment the boys entered; the atmosphere shifted. Whispers rippled through the room, heads turned, and eyes widened in awe as they took their seats at a nearby table. Young-Hyun couldn't help but feel his heart race with anticipation.

As if sensing his unease, Kim Min Gyu, the tallest of the group, glanced over in Young-Hyun's direction and caught his eye. Young-Hyun felt a flush of embarrassment rush to his cheeks, but he couldn't tear his gaze away. The connection between them seemed to linger for a moment, the air heavy with unspoken understanding.

Seo Myung Ho, with his cat-like eyes, leaned in to say something to Kim Min Gyu, and the two of them exchanged a knowing smile. Boo Seung Kwan, with his cherubic cheeks, laughed at something Choi Hansol said, their laughter ringing through the cafeteria like music.

But it was Lee Chan, the presumed youngest of the group, who broke away from their conversation with a bright smile. With an unmistakable sense of curiosity and a mischievous glint in his eyes, Lee Chan made his way toward Young-Hyun's table.

As he approached, whispers filled the air. Some students gasped in surprise while others murmured in disdain. Young-Hyun's heart pounded in his chest, unsure of what to expect. But as Lee Chan neared, a warmth spread through Young-Hyun's body, comforting him like a gentle embrace. The murmurs around them faded into background noise as they locked eyes, their connection undeniable.

Lee Chan pulled out the chair opposite Young-Hyun and sat down with a grace that belied his youthful appearance. The world seemed to shrink around them, isolating them in a bubble of shared curiosity.

"I hope you don't mind if we join you," Lee Chan said, his voice soft and melodious. It carried a hint of mischief and innocence that disarmed Young-Hyun, making him feel at ease.

"N-no, not at all," Young-Hyun stammered, still taken aback by the sudden turn of events. His voice was barely above a whisper, but Lee Chan's smile widened as if he had heard the unspoken words within Young-Hyun's heart.

"Great!" Lee Chan exclaimed; his enthusiasm contagious. "We saw you sitting here all alone, and we couldn't bear the thought of you eating lunch by yourself. Besides, we've been dying to get to know you better."

Young-Hyun blinked in surprise. These boys, who seemed like celebrities to the rest of the school, were treating him as if they were old friends. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of joy and disbelief bubbling up inside him.

"Me?" Young-Hyun questioned; his voice still tinged with disbelief. "But why? I mean, you guys are... well, you're popular and all..."

Lee Chan laughed warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Being popular doesn't mean we can't make new friends," he said, leaning closer with an air of conspiratorial excitement. "And besides, we're drawn to people with genuine kindness and a spark of something special. You, Young-Hyun, have that spark."

Young-Hyun felt his cheeks heat up at the compliment, a wave of gratitude washing over him. These boys, with their charisma and talent, had chosen him to be their friend. It was a feeling he never thought he would experience.

As the other boys joined them at the table, the atmosphere became electrifying. Their presence filled the air with magnetic energy, drawing students near like moths to a flame. But it was Young-Hyun who sat at the center of it all, basking in their warmth and attention.

Through laughter and conversation, they discovered shared interests and exchanged stories like old friends catching up after years apart. They talked about music, books, and dreams that seemed both unimaginable and within reach.

Kim Min Gyu shared his love for composing music, his face lighting up as he described the melodies that played in his mind. Seo Myung Ho revealed his passion for photography, his eyes shining as he spoke about the colors and emotions he tried to capture on canvas. Boo, Seung Kwan recounted hilarious anecdotes from his theater performances, his animated gestures causing fits of laughter around the table. Choi Hansol talked about his love for fashion and design, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he shared sketches of his latest creations.

And through it all, Young-Hyun listened with awe and admiration. He marveled at the talent and passion each boy possessed, their dreams intertwining with his own in a way that felt both exhilarating and comforting.

As the lunch period came to an end, the boys reluctantly began to gather their things, already looking forward to the next time they could share such an immersive conversation with Young-Hyun. But before they left, Lee Chan leaned in closer, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Young-Hyun," he said softly, "we're really glad we met you today. It's not often that we find someone who can see past our popularity and appreciate us for who we truly are. You've reminded us of that genuine connections and friendship are what truly matter in life."

Young-Hyun felt his heart swell with gratitude and a newfound sense of belonging. These boys, these talented and kind-hearted individuals, had shown him a world of possibilities and acceptance in just a short lunch period.

Well, this was adorable I hope you like it.

Xie-Xie~ Andrew (I was like 14 y'all)

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