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Hoshi grinned mischievously, his eyes glittering with anticipation. "YoungHyun," he said, turning to the shy, reserved boy who had been sitting quietly in the corner. "Why is it that no one talks to you at school?"

The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned towards YoungHyun. His face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and vulnerability. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of how to respond.

Vernon, ever the observant one, leaned forward and spoke gently. "Hey YoungHyun," he said, his voice full of genuine curiosity. "I told the older guys how you sit alone during lunchtime and how you never seem to join any activities after school. We're your friends, and we want to understand what's going on."

YoungHyun's gaze dropped to the floor, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I don't get along with the other students, that's all," he mumbled, his words laced with a hint of sadness. He could feel the weight of their expectant stares, and he knew he couldn't avoid sharing his truth any longer.

"I've always been different," YoungHyun continued, his voice gaining strength with each word. "Ever since I was a child, I had trouble fitting in. My mind works in ways that others don't understand. I see patterns in everything, and sometimes it's overwhelming. The noise, the chaos... it becomes too much for me."

The room remained silent as YoungHyun revealed a vulnerability he had kept hidden for so long. There was a mixture of understanding and empathy in his friends' eyes--they knew what it was like to feel like an outsider.

Chan, unable to contain his curiosity, spoke up. "Then why did this girl named Hyerin tell me not to hang out with you?" YoungHyun squirmed in his seat, anxiety creeping into his voice. "She talked to you? Did she say anything else?"

"Yeah," Chan said, his voice filled with a tinge of bitterness. "She said that the only way you got into this school is because you sold yourself to the principal." The words hung heavy in the air, their venomous sting piercing through the room.

YoungHyun's face contorted with a mixture of shock and disbelief. His friends exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of anger and protectiveness. They knew how hard YoungHyun had worked, how much effort he had put into his studies to be accepted into this prestigious institution.

As Seungcheol suggested they all head home, YoungHyun quickly grabbed his bag and rummaged for his house keys. He wanted to leave before the others found out about his family situation, but Seungcheol noticed and caught up to him. "It's late, we'll walk you home," he said with a reassuring smile. Jeonghan joined in, wrapping an arm around Seungcheol's while Wonwoo stood nearby, awkwardly waving at Mingyu before following behind.

YoungHyun's heart raced as he led his friends through the dimly lit streets towards his house. He had always been careful to keep his home life a secret, the bruises hidden beneath long sleeves and the pain concealed behind a smile. But tonight, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled deep within him.

As they approached YoungHyun's house, his steps grew slower, his breaths shallow. The fear of what awaited him behind those doors tightened its grip around his throat. He desperately hoped that none of them would notice the tremor in his hands or the way he glanced anxiously over his shoulder.

But fate had other plans.

Just as they reached the front porch, the sound of a car engine approached, its roar echoing through the quiet neighborhood. YoungHyun's heart sank, for he recognized that familiar noise all too well. It was his father's car.

The car came to a halt, its headlights illuminating the somber scene. YoungHyun's friends exchanged worried glances as the door swung open, revealing the towering figure of YoungHyun's father. He stepped out of the car, his presence casting an ominous shadow over the group.

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