Ah Yeah

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The atmosphere at the restaurant was filled with laughter and anticipation as the group of friends savored the delicious meal that Wonho and Shownu had prepared. The aroma of spices and flavors lingered in the air, enticing the senses and setting the perfect backdrop for an evening of revelry.

As the plates were cleared away, Hoshi couldn't help but feel the mounting excitement in the room. The flickering candlelight danced on their faces, casting ethereal shadows on the walls. He leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and announced, "You know what would make this night even more unforgettable? A game of truth or dare."

The suggestion hung in the air for a moment, almost like a secret whispered by the wind. His friends exchanged curious glances, their intrigue mirrored in their expressions. They knew that when Hoshi proposed something, it would undoubtedly lead to unexpected adventures.

Wonho grinned, his dimples deepening as he leaned forward. "Truth or dare? Count me in! I bet this will be a night we'll all remember."

With unanimous agreement, they formed a circle on the plush carpet by the fireplace. The fire crackled and roared, casting its warm glow upon the eager faces gathered around it.

Hoshi turned to YoungHyun, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Since you're the newest member of our group, how about you start? Truth or dare?"

YoungHyun's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had heard tales of the daring dares and revealing truths that had transpired during their previous game nights. But he was not one to back down from a challenge.

He took a deep breath, his voice steady as he replied, "Dare."

Hoshi's grin widened at YoungHyun's choice. He knew that the newest member of their group had just unknowingly stepped into a whirlwind of exhilaration and thrill. The other boys exchanged glances, silently speculating what Hoshi had in store for YoungHyun.

With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, Hoshi leaned forward and whispered his dare into YoungHyun's ear. The young boy's eyes widened in surprise, a combination of excitement and trepidation flooding his senses. The others watched with bated breath, their curiosity piqued.

YoungHyun stood up, a determined look etched on his face. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, then turned to face the group. "I accept," he declared, his voice filled with newfound confidence.

YoungHyun walked towards Hoshi, a mix of anticipation and nerves coursing through his veins. The room fell into a hushed silence, the flickering flames of the fireplace casting an otherworldly glow on his face.

Hoshi, unable to conceal his excitement, gestured towards the circle of friends. "The dare," he said with a mischievous smile, "is for YoungHyun to kiss one of us."

Gasps filled the room as this unexpected challenge hung in the air, each friend exchanging glances filled with curiosity and amusement. YoungHyun's heart raced, his mind swirling with possibilities. Who would he choose? Each member of the group possessed their own unique charm, making the decision both thrilling and daunting.

Joshua's eyes widened, brimming with playful mischief. "Well, well," he chimed in, "YoungHyun, you've certainly been catapulted into the deep end."

Hoshi chuckled and nodded. "Indeed," he agreed. YoungHyun took a moment to survey the circle of his friends, his gaze lingering on each face. His mind spun with a whirlwind of thoughts, analyzing their different quirks and personalities. The room was silent, every eye fixed on him, waiting for his decision.

YoungHyun's eyes finally settled on Joshua, who was sitting next to him. There was something about Joshua's gentle smile and warm eyes that drew YoungHyun in. He had always been captivated by Joshua's soothing presence, the way he exuded calmness even in the midst of chaos.

With a surge of courage, YoungHyun smiled back at Joshua, his heart beating wildly in his chest. "I choose Joshua," he said softly, his voice barely audible over the crackling fire.

As the room held its breath, YoungHyun leaned in slowly, his heart pounding against his ribcage. YoungHyun pecked Joshua lips before pulling away embarrassed.

Joshua sat there, stunned for a moment, his lips tingling from the unexpected kiss. The room erupted into a chorus of laughter and applause, the tension dissolving into a sea of mirth. YoungHyun blushed, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson as he joined in the laughter, relief washing over him.

Joshua, still caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, regained his composure and flashed YoungHyun a warm smile. "Well," he chuckled, "that was quite the dare. I must say, you certainly know how to make an entrance."

The group's laughter subsided, but the air was filled with a newfound energy as they resumed their places in the circle. It was clear that this game night would be unlike any other they had experienced before.

As they continued playing, each truth and dare unraveling layers of their friendships and personalities, some truths began to emerge. Secrets were shared, fears were confessed, and dreams were unveiled. In the midst of it all, a question floated teasingly in the air, lingering on everyone's minds.

Hoshi looked around the circle, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Alright, alright," he said, his voice filled with mischief. "I think it's time for a juicy truth. Wonwoo," he continued, turning his gaze towards the tall, quiet boy sitting across from him. "Are you dating someone?"

Wonwoo's expression remained impassive as he calmly met Hoshi's gaze. The room hushed expectantly, waiting for his response. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.

"Yes," Wonwoo replied simply, his voice steady and resolute.

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the group; the revelation had caught everyone off guard. All eyes turned to Wonwoo, curiosity burning brightly within each of them. Who could this mysterious person be that Wonwoo was dating?

The room fell into a comfortable silence as Wonwoo began to speak, his voice carrying a sense of calm and mystery. "I believe it's time I share this with all of you," he began, his eyes scanning the faces of his friends. "The person I am dating is none other than Mingyu."

Collective gasps filled the room, the surprise evident on every face. Mingyu himself seemed taken aback, his eyes widening as he glanced at Wonwoo, his cheeks flushing with a faint tinge of pink. The group erupted into an excited chatter, questions flying from all directions.

"Wait, you're dating Mingyu?" Seungkwan exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "But you two never show any signs of affection!"

Wonwoo smiled softly, his eyes locked with Mingyu's. "Our relationship is built on a foundation of deep understanding and unwavering support," he explained. "We've chosen to keep it private for now, but our love for each other is no less real."

The group fell into a stunned silence, processing this unexpected revelation. They had always known Wonwoo and Mingyu to be close friends, but the idea of them being in a romantic relationship seemed almost too surreal.

Hoshi, always the one to break the tension, let out a mischievous chuckle. "Well, well," he said, wagging his finger playfully. "Looks like we have two secrets unveiled tonight."

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow, curiosity dancing in his eyes. "And what might that be?"

Thank you guys so much for getting me half a thousand reads and over 20 votes.

I wrote a half thousand of words for you guys I'll also post a oneshot for you guys soon.


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