The Iconic Grey's Elevator Ride

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Now back to our regularly scheduled program.....

Lil Shepherd's POV

We hopped into the elevator to go down to the cafeteria to get these cinnamon buns that Dad wanted so badly. But of course, you know who was in the elevator when we entered, Dr. DeLuca. He looked up at me and was about to say something to me, but then he saw my Dad walk in right behind me. "Good morning Dr.DeLuca." my Dad says to him "Good morning Dr. Shepherd," he replies giving me a slight nod. "And good morning to you too Y/N." "Good morning Dr. DeLuca," I reply back even though an hour ago we had a lovely encounter in the on-call room earlier that morning. Dad continues to look between me and Deluca as we ride through the elevator to the cafeteria and as we get out I try to go first but Deluca bumps into me causing me to almost fall and grabs on to me and to say that angelic lights didn't appear behind Deluca to make him look even more perfect and handsome and whatnot would be a lie. Time came to a halt in that moment and I wanted it to stay like that forever, but sadly it continued to pass and I kinda stayed a little more in that moment until my Dad interrupted this wonderful moment. "*clears throat* N/N... we got some cinnamon buns to get and consume then a lovely aneurysm to clip after that so enough with the lovey-dovey and spark flying stuff here and let us get a move on with it," Father tells me. I begin to blush with embarrassment still in Deluca's arms and get up and straighten my white coat and scrubs and walk off the elevator to the cafeteria. "I dOn'T LiKE DElUcA," my Dad mocks me as we walk into the cafeteria where also my mother is. "Meredith our daughter has a crush on MPmphmph..." He begins to yell but before he could yell who I run in front of him and slap my hand on his mouth. "I'll buy cinnamon buns for a month if you don't say a word of this to anyone and if you want to save your daughter the embarrassment of having the entire hospital find out her love life you won't have to hear any of that complaining from me either." I plead to him while my hand is still over his mouth. He proceeds to lick my hand causing me to take my hand off so quickly to clean it off. "You got yourself a deal there, ma'am." He puts his hand out for me to shake which I do with that hand he just licked. "Did you really have to lick my hand?" "Actually yes, to teach you a lesson." "What would that lesson be exactly?" "Don't put your hand over my mouth again." "Fair enough" "So those cinnamon buns?" "Yes, let us go Dr. Shepherd." I say in a mocking tone. 


After consuming the wonderful sugar and cinnamon delights we were back in the elevator making our way back up to the surgical floor for our clipping of the aneurysm. "Alright, mini-me time to get down to business give me the run-down on the surgery."  "So I like I said back with Mr.Richards we are going to use a microcatheter and place it in the catheter already in place and make our way up to the anterior communicating artery where the saccular aneurysm is present and find the right size clip to be able to clip the aneurysm using platinum coils or glue without having it rupture and we have to do all this before it does rupture so we have to be both quick and delicate." "What if the aneurysm does rupture while we are performing the surgery?" "We will have to open the skull to get a view of the full brain and try to prevent further bleeding by clipping it quickly and stopping the bleeding to prevent the patient from stroking out and going brain dead." "Correct. Now let's do this." He says in a badass voice and walking out of the elevator. I just stay in place knowing that this isn't the floor we are supposed to get off at. "Aren't you going to follow?" he asks concerned. "Not if you plan on treating a psychiatric patient," I say while pointing out the floor sign. "Oh damn you are right," he says while running back onto the elevator. This time we are on the correct floor. "Let's try this again." We both walk off looking pretty badass if I do say so. We go to the scrub where we begin to scrub. To be continued....

Hi yes I know.... I know I suck at updating but yea I don't really have any reason except that I've been busy, I forget. But hey I'm back now and know where I'm taking this story so stay tuned until the next time which I hope isn't too far away. 

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