Little Shepherd

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---Y/N's POV---

"Adam Travers, 25 years old, Astrocytoma tumor, grade 2 found in the left hemisphere of the frontal lobe." Dr. Schmitt began but was soon interrupted by Dad. "Alright, you" He points at Cassidy. "What's the treatment protocol?" He asks looking up from the chart looking at her. "A Craniotomy will be performed." She says confidently making direct eye contact with him. "What are the possible risks of removing a tumor like this?" He asks pointing at Mindy. "Since the tumor is located in the frontal lobe there is a chance during surgery that the Broca's area could be damaged." She replies also making direct eye contact with him. "And what could that mean? N/N" He asks me with a smirk on his face. "The Broca's Area is the language center of the brain meaning he could either lose the ability to speak or not be able to understand it," I say making eye contact. He gives me another smile saying "You're a natural at this N/N." "Thanks, Dad." I actually give him a genuine smile thinking that maybe I could like neuro. "Let's get him prepped for surgery." He says handing the electronic chart to Dr. Schmitt. "Dr. Byrne you prep him, Dr. Miller and Dr. Little Shepherd you're with me and Dr. Big Shepherd," he says while walking out of the room. I roll my eyes at the nickname as I follow him out of the room, not before Mindy and I look at each other.  We continue walking down the hallway to the next patient right when I catch the eyes of an attendee with dark brown eyes and he looks at me and smirks probably already knowing who I am, thanks to my parents. He stops me in the hall and pulls me aside introducing himself formally. "Hello there I'm Dr. Andrew DeLuca, you must be Dr. Y/N Grey-Shepherd I've heard all about you from your parents." He says as you look into his hazel eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. DeLuca." I just kept staring into his eyes until someone was yelling my name down the hall. It was neither of my parents, thank god. It was Dr. Schmitt. "I'll see you around Dr. DeLuca," I say as I was running off. "I'll definitely be seeing you around Dr. Little Shepherd." I smile at the nickname as I meet Dr. Schmitt and Dr. Miller at the end of the hallway. "Now that Little Shepherd is done making googly eyes at Dr. DeLuca we can continue to our next patient." Dr. Schmitt says as we turn around and walking into the next patient.


The cafeteria where you define yourself by sitting with certain people while you eat. I was walking with my tray when I heard someone calling me, it was Mindy and Cassidy, right before I went to go sit down with them, but I was dragged by the arm and sat down in front of none other than my two lovely parents, Uncle Alex, Aunt Maggie, and Aunt Amelia. "What, How, Why am I sitting in front of you guys right now with my lunch?" I stutter out. "Because we just wanted to see how your day was going," Mom says. "It's going fine... I guess" I reply while stuffing my face with this sad excuse of a sandwich. "you know I'm going to need assistance with this craniotomy later. How 'bout it?" Dad asks with me a huge grin on his face. "Wow, I'm surprised you're asking me and not just telling me." "Ya 'bout that, I'm not really asking, just telling you." He says while picking up his tray to go throw it out. "That makes more sense now." "I'll see you later Little Me!" "Not you too Dad!" "It's true and you know it N/N!" "You're right!" I yell back to him as he waves walking out of the cafeteria. "That's not fair Derek, you know I wanted your first surgery as an intern to be a general surgery," Mom complains to me. "Welp, maybe I should've been on your service for my first day." "Good thing there's that yearly intern appendectomy." She states as a fact. "You wouldn't dare." I challenge her. "I would and I could and I will," she snaps back. "I'll see you after surgery with your father for another one that you will be doing with me and solo." "You can't do this to me Mom!" I yell across the cafeteria while she is walking. "I can and I just did. I'll see you later sweetie." Two surgeries on my first day both of them with either of parents. All of a sudden I got paged by my Father to go get scrubbed with him. First surgery in Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital ever and it's with my Dad. 

Hope you're enjoying the book so far. If you have any suggestions let me know. See y'all next time.

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