Craniotomy With Big Shepherd

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---Y/N's POV---

I got up to throw out my tray when someone spun me around and it was Dr. DeLuca. There I was once again getting lost in those hazel eyes for the second time today. "I heard you got the intern appendectomy." "Wow, news travels fast around here." "Well, when you yell at your mother across the cafeteria where everyone can hear you its kind of hard not to hear it." He says while looking down at me.  I blush at his remark, I completely forgot about that. "Yea...I forgot about that." He was about to say something when I got interrupted by my pager buzzing. My father, it said, "You better get your ass up here right now or you can bet you'll be punished."  Wow, I'm glad we have professional relationships around here. "I have to go Dr. DeLuca before my father beats my ass into next week." "Welp, good luck with your surgeries I'll talk to you later N/N," he says while I'm walking away from him. How did he know my nickname? Oh, wait my mother screamed it out for the whole hospital cafeteria to hear. I rushed out of the room to the elevator then to the scrub room and who of course was standing there crossed arm when I walked in, none other than my father. "Look who decided to finally show up." "You couldn't get Dr. Schmitt to scrub in with you." " He's dealing with other patients right now." "What about Dr. Byrne or Dr. Miller?" "They're not you.  Are they?" "You got a point there, did you know Mom has given the intern appey after this?" "She did I'm not surprised, you do show the most promise out of all the interns this year." "Why is that? Because I'm your daughter?" "No, because you're going to be a brilliant neurosurgeon and plus you're a Shepherd." I roll my eyes as he says neurosurgeon and of course, he notices. "You can't fight it forever N/N, it's in your blood." "What if I wanted to do something other than neuro or general? Let's say Orthopedics." His smile fades as I said that and goes to a serious look. "I didn't hear you just say that! You're not going to be one of the bone-mending idiots you hear me Y/N Leigh Grey-Shepherd! You're either going to be a neurosurgeon or a general surgeon! Got it! No buts, no ifs and especially no Ortho! You understand me, young lady?" I was shocked, I didn't know what to do or say, I just sat there with a dumb look on my face. I was able to mutter out an okay. I could still see the seriousness in his face, but it faded away. He then turned to the sink. "Now let's get scrubbed in for your first surgery N/N." I didn't say anything as I walked next to him and started to scrub I looked up and saw my reflection giving myself a sad look. 


When we finished scrubbing we made our way into the OR. As we were walking in I looked up to the gallery to see everyone there my Mom, Aunt Maggie, Aunt Amelia, Uncle Owen, Uncle Alex, Aunt Bailey, Uncle Jackson, and Grandad Webber. They were all giving me huge grins and I heard Chief/ Aunt Bailey say "The first of many for Little Shepherd." Uncle Alex added, "They're going to be the best Dad/Daughter surgeon combo ." If only they knew what just happened in the scrub room. "Alex don't say that you're suppose to be supporting me," Mom interrupts him. "Oh yea you're right I meant that N/N and Meredith are gonna be the best Mother/Daughter surgeon combos." I smile at Uncle Alex's comments. "Alright let's get started shall we N/N come stand next to me please." I walk over to Dad and stand on his right side ready to assist. As we're about to get started Bokhee pulls out a camera and takes a photo of me and Dad next to each other. "That's a keeper!" Dad nudges me with his elbow. Of course, before he starts he says his famous line. "It's a beautiful day to save lives." I grin under my mask hearing the iconic line. "Now that's out of the way, N/N ten blade." I hand him the ten blade. This can't be that bad. 


He reached the tumor in the brain. "Look at that N/N isn't it amazing?" He leans over allowing me to look at it. "Yea if you want to call something that can kill someone, sure," He laughs at my remark.  He grabs the extraction tool from my hand and perfectly removes the tumor and I just stood there in amazement. "Now it won't kill him anymore. How 'bout that N/N?" "That was amazing." I stood there speechless. He starts laughing again. "This could be a normal thing too you and me N/N doing the impossible. Could you imagine that N/N?" "One day you'll get to remove your own tumor from someone's brain N/N and I'll be standing right beside you." He had a proud look on his face while he was looking at me. He then turns back to the patient and starts to close up. After he was done closing up both of us walked out into the scrub room to scrub out. When he took off his mask he had a grin on his face along with a proud look. "Y/N I know I can be hard on you sometimes, but that's only because I love you and I know you're going to great things in your future as a surgeon." "I know Dad you tell me that all the time," I say as he pulls me into a hug. "I just want what's best for you." "I know that to Dad." "You know alot.. huh N/N" "You bet your butt I do." We pull out from the hug and start to scrub out. "You excited for your first solo appendectomy?" "I'm nervous." "That's a good thing, little me." "I just can't believe this is all happening today." "You worked hard for this and you continue to work for it, you deserve it." "It's just sometimes I feel like everything is handed to me." "That's not true and you know it Y/N." "You're right." "Now let's get you to your first and last appendectomy, my future neurosurgeon." I laugh at his comment. "Sure Dad, keep telling yourself that." "You can fight the inevitable, little me." He says as he grabs my shoulder and we walk out to next scrub room for my first solo surgery as an intern.

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