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---Y/N's POV---

After finishing the chat I went back to my room to get ready for my second day as a doctor. It's only been a day and I'm already punished... cool. I put on a pair of light blue jeans and a purple t-shirt that says Coco Beach (its a place in Florida where you can surf and swim). I put on a pair of f/c (favorite color) sneakers and put my H/C hair into a ponytail. "N/N, sweetie come eat breakfast!" Mom yells from downstairs. "Coming!" I yell right back at her. I finish putting my hair up and run downstairs. Being me, I fell down the stairs. When I look up I see Dad sipping his coffee looking down at me. "You should be more careful next time," he says while walking away. "Thanks for your help!" "It's no problem at all!" I get myself up and make my way to the kitchen giving the stink eye to my Father. "Don't give me that look. It's not my fault that you don't know how to walk down the stairs." "I'll give you that." I sit down at the island and Mom gives me a plate of french toast with a side of bacon. "Eat up. You'll need your strength today," she says with a smirk. "What is that suppose to mean?" "You know what it means," she says walking away from me. She is right I do know what it means. I'm either on her service today or Dad's. Which also means I'll be scrubbing in on their surgeries all day and all night today. Oof, the consequences of my actions stink, but I can get through this "mama didn't raise no bitch". I was brought out of my thoughts when my mom waved her hand in front of my face. "N/N, you ready to go? If we don't leave now you'll be late for rounds." I take the french toast from the plate and stuff it into my mouth and grab the bacon and run to the car. "DRIVE MOTHER!!" "Will do child," she said speeding off towards the hospital.


We arrived at the hospital on time. Thank god. I'm already in a deep hole that doesn't need to be any deeper at the moment. Before walking into the hospital my Mom and Dad say their goodbyes, but they're more like see you laters. I go into the locker room where all the other interns are... of course can't avoid people that easily.  Right, when I walk in there in the center of the room is the two who caused all the events of last night, Mindy and Cassidy,  I don't even make eye contact and go straight to my locker getting changed into my light blue scrubs. I heard their whispers, "I'm surprised she's even here right now." "I bet you one of her parents are following her around all day now." "She's alive?" I couldn't take the remarks anymore and turn around, slamming my locker shut looking at them. "Yep I'm here and I'm alive, and I'm going to kick some surgical ass today while the rest of you are sitting in the gallery watching me kick surgical ass." I then walk straight out of the locker room to Dr. Schmitt for our rounds. "What's up N/N?" "Nothing much just getting by, how about you?" "I feel there, I'm doing better than usual." The rest of the interns showed up including Mindy and Cassidy, I didn't even look at them just continued listening to Dr. Schmitt. "Today everyone is assigned to a different specialty." You heard some groans, some squeals amongst the interns. I already knew I was either going to be assigned to neuro or general due to the punishment, but I didn't care at this point as long as I wasn't with Mindy or Cassidy. "Greg, Jack, and Sami you'll be with Dr. Karev in peds. Troy, Cassidy and Mindy, you'll be with Dr. Grey in general today." They both go deadpan knowing they'll have to deal with my mother all day today after what happened last night. I snicker to myself. "Britany, Zack, and Krista you'll be with Dr. Lincoln in Ortho today." No ortho for me, but I'm not that surprised at this point anymore. "Mia, Jason, and Lauren you'll be with Dr. Pierce today in cardio and finally N/N, you've been requested by your father so you'll be with him and he said he only needed you." Of course, he would be that way. I wonder if my mother knows he did that. "You all have your assignments so off to your day." Another day of neuro for me I say while making way down the hallway towards my dear-old father for the second day in a row. 

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