The Punishment

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---Y/N's POV---

At this point, I had no idea what was going on with myself. I think I was standing on a chair? No, it was a table. I was dancing terribly on a bar table to some sort of music. Singing as loud as my throat could handle to the music. All of the other interns surrounded me chanting my name loudly. "N/N! N/N! N/N!" This is what it felt like to be normal. Huh? Who knew it would feel this nice to fit in. The chanting was suddenly interrupted when the door slammed open and was followed by "Y/N M/N GREY-SHEPHERD!!!" I cringed at my name being called by my mother. Then my father yelled too "YOU'RE IN DEEP SHIT NOW YOUNG LADY!!" Oh crap, I am in deep shit now. "I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS DOWN FROM THAT TABLE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL DRAG YOU DOWN FROM THERE!!!" My Dad continues to yell at me. Eh, I'm in for it now, might as well go all the way. You know what they say Go Big or Go Home. I continue to dance and sing on the table like they never came in. "HAVE IT THAT WAY THEN!!" Mom yells. "DEREK GRAB HER!!" I did this to myself. My Dad then grabs me from the table and throws me over his shoulder and proceeds to walk out the bar. My mom then turns around to the interns. "IF YOU EVER GIVE MY DAUGHTER ALCOHOL AGAIN, YOU WILL BE DAMN SURE THAT YOU WILL BE KICKED FROM THE RESIDENCY PROGRAM AND ARRESTED!!!" She then turns around and follows Dad and me out of the bar. Before we left the bar I heard Mindy and Cassidy laugh to each other and Mindy say "It worked Cassidy.." I then heard them both snicker with the rest of the interns. I was sabotaged, I can never trust anyone. I looked toward the bar and see Dr. DeLuca mouth sorry to me. I can't believe he was the one to call my parents, but then again I did this to myself. I'll forgive him eventually. I was carried to the car where then I was tossed into the back and my Dad aggressively puts my seat belt on. Mom gets into the passenger's seat and Dad gets into the driver's seat. They proceed to both yell at me simultaneously saying how I'm not allowed to go out again until I finish my residency or if I'm going out with them and that they are going to be driving me to and from the hospital until I'm an attendee. Oof I've done fudged up now. All I can manage to do is sit there with a shocked look on my face taking this all in. I'm not going to even try to say anything until the morning since I don't know what would come out of my mouth. My brain had other plans though. "IT WOULDN'T HAVE COME TO THIS OF YOU GAVE ME A LITTLE FREEDOM EVERY NOW AND THEN!!" I interrupted both of them with my yelling. "WE TRUSTED YOU Y/N THAT'S WHY WE LET YOU OUT TONIGHT, BUT APPARENTLY THAT DIDN'T WORK!! NOW DID IT??" Mom yells back at me. I just sat there again with a dumbfounded look on me. The car ride went silent after that. I never realized that were trusting me the entire day. From the solo surgery to going out with DeLuca, they were trusting me and I just blew it. We finally arrived back at home after the longest car ride of my life. I tried to get the seatbelt of myself, but that wasn't happening. Dad takes the seatbelt of me and grabs me again and throws me over his shoulder. He then walked to through the door and to my room and threw me onto the bed. "YOU NEED TO SERIOUSLY THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST DID TO YOUR MOTHER AND ME, YOU HAD US WORRIED SICK!! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A SERIOUS CHAT IN THE MORNING!!" He yelled while giving me a serious look. He walked out slamming the door after him. I'm screwed. What have I've done now? I managed to get into my pjs. I fell asleep with worry in my head of what the morning had in store.




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