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Haley Rivers

I walked into the kitchen to help my mother out with dinner, but Mrs. Evans was talking to my mother so I decided not to get in the way of thing. I could feel Tyler's eye staring at me, I turn around to see Tyler just staring at me.

"Hey asshole, can you stop looking at me. Please, and thank you." I snapped at him

Tyler looks at me for about 3 more seconds then turn around, I haven't seen Tyler's step-dad or his step-siblings in a long time. I was going to ask his mother but she is acting like a troll right now, I walked into the living room with Tyler right behind me.

My phone buzzed because I got a text, I took out my phone from the side of my bra. I open to see LeLe was texting me,

LeLe: Hey do you want to hang out?

Haley: I can't. I have to stay for dinner.

LeLe: Okay, text me later.

Haley: Okay.

I put my phone back in my bra strap, I got up and went to the kitchen to check if the food was ready. I was fucking hungry, I haven't eaten since breakfast.

"Oh, Haley honey can you set the table up, oh and put some extra plates for Mr. James and his kids." My mother said

"Okay, Mom," I said

I got all the plates and cup set on the table, I don't know where my sister and my father are. Then the bell rang,

"Bethany can you get the door." My mother yelled

Then I heard familiar voices going into the living room, One voice I hated as much as Tyler's.

"Haley can you come here for a second." My mother said

I walked into the living room, to see everyone staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked to see if they would stop staring at me,

"Wow." Is all Nicole said looking at me, I was about to walk away but Mrs. Evans had to say something,

"Doesn't she look better."

All I heard "yeah" or "sure", I don't even know why I'm here. The only person I like in this family is Anna, she the cutest little girl. Also, she was so sweet and nice to everyone,

"Okay well, dinner is ready," I said walking into the dining room.

I waited for everyone to take a seat, there was one empty seat beside Bethany but also beside Tyler. I sat down to see Nicole in front if me, Everyone began to eat then the talking began.

"So Haley how does it feel being back?" Mr. James asked

"It actually feels peaceful and calming," I answered honestly,

"Well, that's good," Mr.James said

"I've seen you lost all your fats," Nicole said

"And I see your still a Bitch," I said as I get up and leave the table, I went to the door and put on my jean jacket and left.

I walked down the street, I didn't even care where was going. I found myself at a Starbucks, I walked in and just sat down where it was empty. I took out my phone to find a lot of texts and calls I ignored, I just played some games on my phone to lose time.

"Why is a beautiful girl like you sitting here alone?" This guy that works here asked,

"To honest, I don't even know," I said

"Well, I'm Will." He said

"I'm Haley, nice to meet you," I said letting him have seat in front of me. 

"Well, I have to get back to work before my boss fires me," Will said

"Okay, see you around," I said as I got up myself, I left Starbucks and walked down the street again. I ended up at a park, so I decided to swing on the swing set.

The kids in the park were going home because it started turning dark outside, I stay because I didn't want to see anyone at dinner today.

My phone been buzz like crazy since I left, so I decided to call my mom so she's not worried about me. The phone started to ring then my mother pick up,

Mama: Haley! Are you Okay? Are you safe?

Haley: Mom calm down, I'm fine. Don't worry.

Mama: Do you want me to come and get you or do-

Haley: Mom I'll walk home, but is everyone still there?

Mama: Everyone but Tyler. He had to go out somewhere.

Haley: Okay. I'll be home in 10 minutes.

I walked home and just went to my room, I was so tired. After a few minutes, darkness took over.

Hey, I hope you like my book, If you're still reading it. I trying my best to update my books, but exams are coming up and I need to study and I also have basketball pretty much every day of the week. So I just wanted to let you why I'm taking forever.

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